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HTTP or HTTPS for correct UnRaid OS setup?

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Fellow Forum Members,

I'm running my UnRaid OS using my FireFox browser and when I attempted to setup a ROOT password in the USERS section my FireFox browser warned me my UnRaid server is not secure due to how it is utilizing HTTP and not the HTTPS protocol. This warning appeared as a popup message below the password field as I was trying to type in a password. So I put the brakes on setting up a ROOT password until I understand what is going on between HTTP vs. HTTPS as it relates to setting up the UnRaid OS.


Can anyone in the community please clarify if the UnRaid OS when correctly configured uses "https://Tower" or a "http://Tower"? I ask because I am getting access to my UnRaid OS relying on the HTTP protocol. However, the Firefox warning is making me wonder if I screwed up something in my UnRaid OS configuration and therefore I am incorrectly using HTTP when I should correctly be using HTTPS.  Is everybody in the UnRaid community using HTTPS or HTTP?  Any opinion welcome.


Edited by binar
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Unraid can use either and defaults to http but this can be changed in the Unraid settings.   Setting Unraid up to use https requires some additional steps as you have to acquire a SSL certificate to allow https to be used (not difficult, but extra setup work).  Whether you bother depends on how secure you think the environment where the UnRAID server is located actually is.    If it is only ever accessed on your home LAN then http may be sufficient.

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