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First Server Build

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Hi All,

I am new to unRAID and plan to setup an unRAID server.


The server shall serve the following functions:

1) Desktop replacement (currently using Intel NUC7 with 16GB, 256GB SSD & 2TB HDD)
2) VM host to run multiple Windows 10 (4-8GB RAM each)
3) Docker (vpn, firewall, etc)
4) One/two of the Windows 10 VM may need GPU and Sound passthrough for game and watching movies

I have been recommened to use either X570 AORUS MASTER or Asus ROG Strix X570-E Gaming with Ryzern 7 3700X processor with 32GB non-ECC RAM. Does both support HVM and IOMMU? Which will be better?

What GPU do you recommend?

Do you need dual LAN if other PCs use VPN docker setup in UNRAID?

As for storage, I will be using 1x4TB & 4x3TB HDD.

What other component(s) do I need?


Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

No response to your question. I'm going to stay general.


I bought a taichi X470 and a 2600  with 32gb ram on two sticks about 3 years ago, with an eye to upgrading to a 3900x or 3950x when they released. I did two VMs, Linux mint and windows 10 pro, really just to learn the ropes. Added an rx 580 graphics card and learned how to do iommu splitting, passing in the graphics and sound to the VMs. Went back out and bought a 1700 and did the same. 


It all worked so well I waited to do the 3900x upgrade which I just last week finally did. Understand however I am not a gamer. 


I can't really give advice on the X570 boards except to say expect issues until Linux / unraid / bios catch up.


And you may want to move up to the 3900x. It has had a price drop and this is a long term investment. Once you get a 3700 it will be harder to pay for the incremental upgrade to the 3900. 8c16t is good, 12c24t is probably better for your use case. I am thrilled with mine. 


Sorry I can't be more help but I think you will be jazzed with the capability of the server you are building. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

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