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(6.8.3) No space left on device - but there is

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Both /mnt/user/appdata and /mnt/user/system report "No space left on devce" when trying to write to these shares.  Both are set to cache only, and the cache drive is not full.  I can write to /mnt/cache/appdata and /mnt/cache/system manually just fine.



root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# touch .test
touch: cannot touch '.test': No space left on device
root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# df -h |grep cache
/dev/sdb1       932G  931G 1020M 100% /mnt/cache


I didn't notice the cache nearly full because the 'main' tab on the UI was incorrect - reporting 700GB free, when in reality less then 1GB is actually free on the cache drive.  A reboot caused it to report correctly.  Tho, that's a separate problem. 


After manually running the mover for a few minutes writes started working:


root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# df -h |grep cache
/dev/sdb1       932G  924G  7.1G 100% /mnt/cache
root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# touch .test
root@Tower:/mnt/user/appdata# rm .test



Why with 1 GB free do writes to the cache fail, but succeed with 7GB free?  Is there some limit I'm not aware of?  Is there a warning I turned off?



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Post your diagnostics.  Hard to say what's going on without seeing them.  BUT, the odds are decent that you've set a minimum free space for appdata of say ~5-7GIG, the appdata is set to be cache-only, which means that it is indeed full according to your settings.

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