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[SOLVED] SAS Drive Help - Not being detected in BIOS on start up

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I currently have a couple of SAS drives in my set up, contected via a Lsi SAS9201-8i which is in HBA mode and detects the disks fine all working lovely.


Intill one of the drives has started to show some signs of failing so i ordered a couple more SAS drives from ebay to replace, add some more storage and have a cold spare on hand.


Unfortuately none of these new drives are being detected by the LSI card in the bios during bootup. So not really sure what to try next. Unless i have been sent 3 faulty drives

Any advice would be awesome 

The New drives are seagate constellation es2. Have tried drives with different cables and in both ports of the LSI card and still no joy 


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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

Do you her the drives spinning up? If yes post the Unraid diags.

Yeah the drives are spining, when the LSI bios spins up they do not show. But if i enter its config, then I can see the drive the being displayed as 0 capacity. After doing some digging I am wondering if its due to where they came from before and maybe the sector size. So trying to reformat them in Ububtu using sg3-utils. Will see if that makes a difference. if not will get the log files from unraid,    

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] SAS Drive Help - Not being detected in BIOS on start up

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