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Parity upgrade nightmare (SOLVED)

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About a week ago I decided to start upgrading my ancient Unraid box with a new(er) motherboard, better cpu, HBA and some larger disks.  The hardware swap all went OK and yesterday I decided to swap the 1TB parity disk for a 2TB disk, then once parity was rebuilt I was going to swap out the rest of the 1TB array disks with 2TB disks.


Btw, all the 2TB disks were known-good pulls from work.


Parity upgrade went ok, but I guess the intense read operation was too much for Disk 2 (an old 1TB WD RE4) and it got flagged as failed.  A quick SMART test revealed read errors.  I also noticed at the time, that while the disk was present in the array, and the array started, I was seeing billions of errors on the 'new' parity disk too.  


No problem I thought, I'll swap the failed Disk 2 with one of the 2TB's I had lined up, boot the box and do a disk rebuild in maintenance mode - and that's what I did last night.  This morning, the array looked all good (with the exception of some errors encountered during the parity sync), but at least it was up, all the drives were green and my data was safe.  I stopped the array and went to start it in normal mode and that's where I've hit a real issue.


The new array disk shows as present, the ID is correct but Unraid has marked it as wrong and the capacity is showing as 1TB rather than 2TB.  Also, my parity disk which was showing errors on the rsync has now been marked as failed too, so I can't start the array at all any more now.


If I could just get the capacity issue resolved and get unraid to recognise that disk 2 is the correct disk, I can start the array and replace the parity disk again with another spare 2TB I have by the side of me, but with both parity failed and disk 2 not being recognised correctly, I'm screwed.


I've swapped the connectors around, changed 'sides' on the HBA, even connected the disk to the motherboard SATA connection directly - no change, still being seen as the wrong disk.


Diagnostics and screenclip of the issue attached - anyone got any advice ?

unraid failed disks.png


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  • safetynet changed the title to Parity upgrade nightmare (SOLVED)

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