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Random Network Disconnect no video on attached monitor

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Super noob question as I have only had my server up and running for like 4 days.  Built a new PC and used the old hardware for unraid, waiting for some new drives to get delivered as the ones I have a aged.  I was browsing the folders on a windows 10 machine and the apcupsd slave tray icon flashed disconnected, which was strange.  I then got booted from the mapped drive.  I switched over the input on the monitor to the unraid tower and no text wall with the happy blinking log in prompt, just a black screen.  Attempted to ping the IP assigned to the server, no response.  I was left with no choice but to uncleanly power cycle it, now waiting on a parity check, which just finished the weekly schedule I had set up like 18 or so hours ago.  I checked the system log however it shows nothing before the reboot.  The question is is there a way to determine was caused the log up so I can take steps to avoid it in the future?  I'm not sitting on much data now but I'm sure it will be more annoying in the future if it happens again after I get everything moved over and really up and running.  As a FYI I'm still on the trail key since I'm less than a week in I didn't purchase it yet.


Thanks in advance,



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Thanks for the quick reply, just installed one by Kiwi and have it up and running.  Have gotten a couple notifications already so I imagine all is working correctly


a couple that look like this

"Jun 21 22:29:40 BackBrain emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog"


See if it happens again.  Didn't know that feature existed lol


Best Regards,


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