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Won't show IP of server after enabling 2nd nic

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So I have 2 nics and decided to plug in the 2nd one so I can use one for copying stuff locally while the 1st one can handle all my dockers and VM.  I shutdown the server and then plugged them in and the first boot up it was fine and showed the IP when the server came to a login prompt.  Then I tried to enable the 2nd nic within the webui and it locked up.


Couldn't hit the webui anymore so I rebooted.  Now it won't show the IP at the login prompt but I can ping the IP of both nics(I have them statically configured on my router) and I am able to get to the webui and login.  I feel that it got half way configured and is wonky.  There is some message about not finding a device and up or down state but everything is working.


Attached is the logs.


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Not really a network guy, but you have IPs from the same range attributed to both NICs, and since they are in a bond I believe that won't work, if Unraid has two or more NICs configured as an active-backup bond you only assign an IP to the first NIC, if you want to use them seperatly you can but need to disable the bond and set IPs from different sub-nets.


If yo can't currently access the GUI you can boot using the GUI mode and re-configure the LAN or delete/rename network.cfg and network-rules.cfg both on the flash /config folder and reboot to get the setting back to default.

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Okay maybe that is over my head.  I was just wanting to be able to copy files internally while something was downloading or uploading without one something suffering(I usually max out my connection when downloading something).


I will unplug the 2nd nic and then delete/rename the network.cfg and network-rules.cfg


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