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Plugins tab won't load nor the GUI refresh [RESOLVED]

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I have been trying in vain to get this resolved and I'm very much the kind of person that doesn't like to ask for help but now after spending a couple of weeks trying to get Unraid to work I have reached the end of my abilities it seems.


My Specs are as follows:



80GB (64 gb and 16gb) RAM

Samsung 970 NMVE 1TB & 256GB cache drives

Couple of Seagate 8TB drives, one for parity.

Nvidia 1050Ti 

2 port intel NIC (the onboard NIC won't show on the latest stable version of unraid but I just installed the latest Beta and it showed up)

Corsair 1200i PSU


Now I have tried running Unraid on a couple of different USB sticks and the first one got corrupted somehow as now when I put it into my windows machine it appears as a network drive instead of a USB drive.


The issues I had with that one was the plugin tab and the apps tab wont load any content when you click on them, then on the apps tab if you refreshed it then it would show but no such luck on the plugins tab. Also after trying to install the unassigned.devices plugin the GUI didn't refresh like it used to so I uninstalled it but it never seemed to refresh as it used to and the webconsole stopped working as the connection would just close after a few seconds.  I thought it's maybe time to start a fresh on a new USB drive that ain't 10 odd years old. 


I installed it on a brand new usb drive (current stable version) and it started up. I started to add in the plugins that are pretty basic like the community applications but even that was a complete faff to install as the log showed one of the files as being corrupt so in the end I had to do it via putty and it finally installed. Having said that then the apps didn't show up when clicking on the tab and again only after a refresh which I thought was odd. I managed to install a few plugins such as the corsair psu monitor and the user scripts. but again the plugin page then stopped loading properly after trying to load unassigned.devices so I went onto the usb and removed them from the config folder. 


Looking at the log files I could see that Nginx was causing  errors like this:

Aug  7 14:30:48 Tower nginx: 2020/08/07 14:30:48 [alert] 3088#3088: worker process 6079 exited on signal 6

Reading that others had had the same error I though ok lets remove any possible networking issue and removed the IPV6 routing as I didn't want to use it anyway. Then the apps tab loaded suddenly and the plugins but that seems to just be intermittent. Now nothing seems to work and I'm really at a loss at what to do next as I cant download the diagnostics from the GUI as it just sits there spinning once I click download and nothing happens. Also last night I was wondering what would happen if I went to the latest Beta so I did that but no change with my issues unfortunately except it then had the drivers for my onboard NIC.


I'm wondering if I have made some rookie error somewhere and then just build on top of that but not sure where else to look. I just what to have solid foundation of a Unraid server to then start loading dockers onto etc but I just can't seem to get there. I managed to get this syslog of the system before it's now seemingly unable to let me login the server remotely so I'll have to check on it once I'm home again. 


Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by GreenGoblin
removed excessive syslog as now attached in later post
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