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Docker Containers Crashing


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I seem to randomly have issues with docker containers crashing and not allowing me to restart them without fully rebooting the system. This seems to primarily happen with the Radarr and Sonarr containers from Linuxserver.io, but I can't narrow it down to just their containers. All attempts to restart docker or the image fail. Attached is a diagnostic of the radarr-4k container in that state. Sometimes I can go for weeks without issue, times like today I didn't make it more than 6 hours and it's incredibly infuriating to have to reboot the entire system to get one of these apps working.


Edited by lqid10t
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  • 1 month later...

Anything? I'm at wits end here and seriously starting to consider migrating to other platforms. I can get Sonarr to stay online for long enough to download a backup of the config before it gets in a hung state. The only thing I can find is typically a zombie process for what appears to be mono (picture posted). I should have plenty of CPU/RAM for anything I could almost ever want to do with this, yet the most important docker images seem to lock up almost instantly after I finally get a reboot out of them. Typically about 24-48 hours after a restart is initiated. Even if I can be pointed in a direction of what I can investigate that would make me happy.


Edited by lqid10t
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