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Unraid Setup for Ryzen 3700x


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Hi Guys, Good Day. Im new to all of this, I just seen this unraid on one of LTT videos so I got interested and I searched about it, I currently want to setup my own unraid server. But i suddenly got confused with lot of details about problems with hardware. What I want is to have 2 vms, one running windows 10 and one running macos. 


Here is my specs

CPU: Ryzen 3700x

Memory: 16GB

GPU: Nvidia 2060


When researching, I found out that there is problem when using nvidia passthrough so i bought a second hand and radeon hd6450


What do I do next? 

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6 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

Let's start with a link to the Unraid manual:




Then for video tutorials there are the Spaceinvader One tutorials on YouTube a list of which can be found here:



Hello, Than you for the reply. 

I had watch the tutorial video, but they are using cache drive and parity drive. 

I currently have 1TB SSD and a 500GB HDD. But it seems that there is a need for parity and cache drive? I do understand the purpose of those drive but is it really a requirements to have unraid server? This server is only for development use (mysql / mongodb / docker build) , no plan on having a movie since there is already a netflix.

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Parity and cache are not required. There must be at least one data disk in the array in order to start the system.


Since you don't seem to be that interested in the NAS functionality of Unraid, you might put that HDD as disk1 in the array, and the SSD as cache. It doesn't have to be used to cache anything, it is just a way to get Unraid to manage that disk for you. Then you would setup dockers/VMs to use that cache disk. The usual (cache-prefer) shares for that are appdata (docker working storage), domains (vdisks for VMs), system (docker.img for docker executables and libvirt.img for VM setup). Dockers and VMs would also have access to that disk1 HDD.

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