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I Seem to be stuck in a Login Loop


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Hi there, I'm relatively new to unraid, I got everything up and running and even spun up Plex inside which is working perfectly. If I go to the local IP address for my server I am able to login to the WebUI just fine, but I have set up a port forward for my personal URL to unraid.my_domain.com and while going to this URL presents me with the unraid login screen, I can't seem to get to the dashboard. I checked the logs and when I type in the password it logs a "webGUI: Successful login user {USERNAME}"  however the page just seems to redirect me to the login screen again. (I'm viewing the logs by opening unraid through the local IP address) and there are no other logs. Maybe something with the way I set up the URL, but it works fine for plex (which I have setup as plex.my_domain.com) Nothing else is logged during the logins. I've tried googling but I can't seem to find anything. I'm running 6.8.3.


Hope that's enough to go off of but feel free to ask for what you need!

Thanks in advance for any help!

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