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Template URL for Dockers installed via Docker Hub

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I've installed multiple dockers via Community Applications and Docker Hub search. I keep getting the following warnings from the "Fix Common Problems" plugin like the following:




I've always used Community Applications to install, so I'm not entirely sure how the template system works. I've been ignoring the warnings because I want to use the Docker Hub version with the configuration and variables I set. Unfortunately, I keep getting new warnings (I'm assuming because the dockers have updated). I can press "Apply Fix" but I don't know how that will change my current setup.


How do I stop these warnings while continuing to use the Docker Hub version with my config/variables?


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You're getting the warning because the app exists within CA, and you didn't use the template and installed it completely manually yourself.  You won't get the warning if you simply modify any given template CA comes up with to suit your needs.


But there is no real downside to having FCP fix it for you.  Just if there's any ports not defined in your template, but defined in the template, any update will bring them down automatically.  To avoid this, edit /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-firefly....xml and set the line <TemplateURL>.....</TemplateURL> to be <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL>

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Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and applied the fix and things seem fine.


22 hours ago, Squid said:

To avoid this, edit /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-firefly....xml

For this path, did you mean '/boot/config/plugins..' because that's where I found it. Thanks again!

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