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Parity rebuild - Unmountable: No file system


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Last night one of my drives disabled during a larger transfer of data from cache to data disks. The disk which failed was an older drive, but new to the system, and is off a Sata-to-USB adapter. Looks like a few read errors cause the disable. I replaced the disk (maybe the wrong order got me?), shutdown the array, swap in the new disk to disk5 5, and started the array back up.


The parity rebuild started and I let it set overnight. I did notice though that during rebuild I was getting a message the disk was unmountable, and had the option to format it. I didn't, but found this odd that I could parity rebuild and format at the same time.


This morning disk 5 shows green, but it is still unmountable. I've stopped the array and started it again, just to see if that was it, and again it is unmountable but green.


Attached logs, but I'm still trying to understand next steps. Everything seems healthy in the gui, and I've not had a chance to fully review the logs. Any assistance would be appreciated.


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It is expected that if a drive shows as unmountable before a rebuild while the drive is being emulated that this is what you end up with after the rebuild as the rebuild is simply putting onto the physical drive what was on the emulated drive.


This section of the online documentation (accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI) covers the handling of drives flagged as unmountable. 

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Hi itimpi,

I appreciate the help. I was reviewing that page but under the Replacing Failed Disk area, hadn't seen there was a related section.

I'm still concerned this isn't going normally. I've run both the xfs_repair with -n, and without any parameters, both times I received the following.

Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
couldn't verify primary superblock - not enough secondary superblocks with matching geometry !!!

attempting to find secondary superblock...
Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock
Exiting now

Let me see if I can sum up some of what I've done.

WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD was in disk3 for a bit, and had data, but I removed all data and was working to replace this disk. When no data was left on this disk I started a new config without this disk included, and swapped in WDC_WD2002FAEX-007BA0_WD. I then started the mover which had about 1.5tb of data in cache which was being written to this FAEX drive. It is an older drive and had write issues during this mover process. When this FAEX drive had issues I swapped in the decommed EARS for the parity rebuild. Parity seems rebuilt, but xfs doesn't look to be rebuilding.


Still reviewing other forum posts and documentation.

Anything stick out right away to anyone else?




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