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Drives will no longer spin down

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Was using 6.8.2 and I swapped out about 50% of my drives over a week or so including my parity drive (all with larger drives)  nothing has changed with plugins or dockers. Could not drives to spin down even forcing them with the spin down button. 


upgraded to 6.8.3 and did a full parity check (it was fine) still have the same issue.  the array is getting constant read/writes and I cannot tell from where, active streams shows nothing.  Tried disabling all dockers and my 1 VM still the same. 


if anyone can help that would be great, thanks. 


Edited by StarscreamF-15
removing file
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8 hours ago, StarscreamF-15 said:

array is getting constant read/writes


Some VM setting use /mnt/user/xxx path



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The ‘system’ and ‘appdata’ shares have files on both the cache and disk1 which will keep the main array active.    You have the Use Cache=Yes setting for these shares which means initially put new files on the cache and then when mover runs at a later time move them to the main array.     You probably want Use Cache=Prefer to have mover attempt to move files in the opposite direction when it runs.   Turning on the Help built into the GUI can help with understanding how this setting operates.


If you change the setting to Prefer then you need to disable the docker and VM services and run mover to get the files moved.   Simply not starting and dockers or VMs is not sufficient as the services will hold some files open which stops mover from taking action on them.    After mover has finished the services can be re-enabled.


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