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Transfers speeds just dropped

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I've been running Unraid since the start of 2020. I had everything running great until 2 days ago. I normally was getting about 100Mbs when transferring files across; however, in the last 2 days my speeds have dropped to 10Mbs. I didn't notice until today that my docker utilization was at 100%. I just threw more space at it and rebooted Unraid. I was hoping that was the issue but the problem still persists. My cache drive is mounted and the mover is moving files as expected. I don't know where to even start at this point since everything appears to be fine.

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4 minutes ago, IamTheBorg said:

docker utilization was at 100%. I just threw more space at it

Not the way to fix that problem. You almost certainly have an app writing to a path that isn't mapped.


5 minutes ago, IamTheBorg said:

where to even start at this point

You should always

Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.

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i looked through the logs but I can't find anything that you point to slow transfer speeds other than the fact that the NIC is negotiating at 100Mbs. The motherboard is a MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX and has a 10/100/1000 NIC. It is connected to a 10/100/1000 switch and the computer it is transferring from is a 10/100/1000 NIC. So it should negotiate at 1Gb. I've tried to find the setting that would allow me to adjust it but I can't find it. Under the network settings for eth0, there's no selection for negotiation. What am I missing?

Edited by IamTheBorg
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31 minutes ago, IamTheBorg said:

NIC is negotiating at 100Mbs

Good catch.


1G ethernet typically degrades to 100M when one signal wire is missing somewhere along the way. Could be bad cable, could be bad port on switch or router, could even be just a bad connection. I have seen it myself with one of the pins inside an ethernet port bent so it doesn't align.


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