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Unraid 6.8.3 Random crashes all of a sudden


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Has been working great for months, and now it's starting to crash randomly. I have the attached pic from the monitor that is connected to it when it crashes.  Any ides? 


running a parity check now, hopefully it passes and does not crash again as last time it crashed during parity check .




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You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see the current state of your system which might help with getting informed feedback.


diagnostic steps you might want to try:

  • Boot in Safe mode to stop plugins being run in case one of them is causing your problem
  • disable docker and/or VM services in case one of them is causing a problem.    If that does seem to stabilise the system then they can be progressively re-enabled to try and identify the guilty party.


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