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Reinstall cache disk after un-assigning


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Here's my situation:

Currently running v6.8.2. My Cache (single disk) was configured to be used ONLY for dockers (no actual "caching" of the array disks). I got an error on the Cache disk (unmountable / no file system) and decided I wanted to get 2 new disks to mirror it. While waiting for the 2 new disks to arrive, I unassigned and removed the Cache disk. Currently unRaid is running with no cache and the HDD that was the cache disk is sitting on my desk.


In other words, I impulsively decided to chalk up the loss (I have backups of Appdata) and move on. Now I regret that decision because I never tried an xfs_repair (which I have done on other disks with success and it saved me a lot of heartache).


What I would like to do:

Reinstall that old cache disk and make unRaid think it's in the state it was before I removed it. I don't want to format it and I don't want to clear it. I want it back in that previous state so I can attempt an ifs_repair.


Any suggestions on how to install that old Cache disk without clearing/formatting and get the system settings back to their original state (e.g., don't use it for caching the array disks)?

Should I try the xfs_repair first - then assign it back as Cache if successful?




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