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2 disks show Unmountable: No file system


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Since the emulated disks are now mounted, you should be able to rebuild them. The emulated contents are the same as what will be written to the disks, it is all just the result of the parity calculation.


I don't see a lost+found share so I don't think anything got dumped there.


You should be able to look at any of your shares or disks now, but of course it may be difficult to figure out if anything is missing.


Disk3 looks to be about half full but disk5 looks mostly empty. I don't know if that is how it was before or not.

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Thank you for helping me get this far! I honestly don't think I lost anything, but I will see over time, I can most likely recover the last 2 month, i think that's how long they've been down.  So does no lost+found mean nothing was lost?  Or that nothing that was lost can be recovered?


What is the rebuilding process from this point?  The wiki didn't say what to do to rebuild after a repair.  I don't want to assume anything.


As for what happened, can you speculate anything? Maybe those 2 drives lost power at some point and corrupted the data?  Should I still trust these 2 drives or should I get replacements for them?

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2 minutes ago, boosted said:

Should I still trust these 2 drives or should I get replacements for them?

5 hours ago, trurl said:

Disks 3 and 5 SMART attributes look OK but neither have had any self tests run on them yet.

 You can run an extended SMART test on them if you want. Click on each disk to get to its page to access the self test. Extended test will take several hours but you can do them both at the same time.


If they pass then I would trust them. But if you rebuild to new disks then you have the originals as backup in case there are problems with the rebuild. On the other hand, the originals are probably corrupt and would have to be repaired just like the emulated disks did.


Lots of good reading here:


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Rebuild completed without errors.  It does not appear that I have lost any file, at least that I can tell.  As long as the loss is the whole file and not chunks of it.  That'd just corrupt the whole file without me knowing it for a long while.  Spare HD ordered as well.


Thanks again trurl for your help on this.

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