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[Solved] How to backup correctly to external drive?


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I've been reading the topics here, paying particular attention to the following thread.

Correct way to move files between shares? - General Support - Unraid


I'm using cron job and rclone to schedule backups to an external USB drive. This combination has been working beautifully. But I've only used it for a particular folder that doesn't span disk, so with the external at /mnt/disks/externalX, the source is at /mnt/diskX/folderX, I'm not running into issues copying user shares to disks and vice versa.


The current command I use is (I know I'm missing the delete back up folder there as part of the command, will be adding it soon)

rclone sync -v /mnt/diskX/FolderX /mnt/disks/externalX/FolderX


Now I'm about to add backing up folders that span multiple disks, how should I do this? The easiest way I can think of is 

rclone sync -v /mnt/user/FolderY /mnt/disks/externalX/FolderY


Am I running into issues especially once I added the delete back up folder command (the one that moves deleted files and folder into a separate folder) since I'm mixing user shares and disks here? Unfortunately the external drive is at /mnt/disks/. 


Folks that have more experience with Unraid/Linux can help, please?


Thanks folks. 

Edited by Rhodius
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