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2 or 3 Windows 10 VM´s on one NVME?

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i have search a few days for my "problem", but i don´t find a answer....


In my server i have one 970 Evo 500GB NVME. When i do (for "speedup") a Pass Trough vm to the NVME i can run and start up one Windows 10 VM, no problem.


But i would like a second and a third Windows 10 VM on this one (single) NVME and Power up all 3 VM´s at the same time (parallel). How can i do that?

I have tested with Mount option and no Pass Through and choose the NVME in the create options VM with that Primary vDisk Location´s:









I can create all 3 VM´s, no problem, but in the installtion from one Windows 10 VM the creating and formating for the installtion setup hangs up...

After that i have formating the NVME on the unassigned devices plugin to xfs and create again without mounting and without pass trough one Windows 10 VM with this vdisk location:



but its the same effect. In the installtion setup from Win10 the point with formating the disk, it hangs up....


For example, when i have one Win10 VM with pass trough i can choose the vdisk location:



I have think now, when i am creat 3 partitions on this one nvme and install the 3 Windows 10 VM on this 3 partitions with pass trough, thats going?

A antoher idea, i bough a second 970 Evo 500GB an make a Raid on this only for 3 Windows 10 VM´s!?

Have anyone a idea for the "best" option and how, or do i anything wrong?


Thanks a lot for yout help.

Greetings from germany!

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