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[SUPPORT] - Portainer-CE

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to let you know the update came thru to 2.1.1 and here are the features:

New Feature Highlights

1. Support for Compose v3.8 when deploying against standalone Docker Hosts
This feature has been in demand for over a year, so we're excited for you to get your hands on it. We now ship the compose binary as part of the Portainer container. This means you can now use plain Compose files up to 3.8 (or higher for standalone) to deploy stuff through the UI/API.
Note this feature is only available for AMD64 architectures (Windows & Linux). The team are still working on creating a standalone binary for Compose that works on ARM/ARM64 (we aim to add support for these architectures in a future release).

2. Support for Compose v3.8 when deploying against Swarm Hosts
Another feature that has been in hot demand! This one was a challenge, but you can now deploy any Compose v3.8 stack against Swarm.

3. Portainer Images now built with Docker Buildx
We needed to report our images to Buildx to get native support for all architectures, and importantly, to provide Windows images spanning 1809-2004. This was also needed in order to get Portainer working on Docker 20.04.x on platforms other than AMD64.

4. De-emphasis the Portainer Login box when OAuth is used
When you have OAuth authentication enabled, the Portainer login screen becomes somewhat pointless, as you don’t need to enter creds, instead you need to click a “login with OAuth” button; so we have now hidden the login screen and just show the “login with OAuth” button.

5. Advanced Deployment for Kubernetes
We already allowed admins to deploy Kubernetes apps using a manifest directly within Portainer, we have now expanded this to allow the creation of any Kubernetes resource.

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  • 2 months later...

I am a new Unraid user, and I have searched in the forums and I don't see an answer, but I'm having trouble with Portainer CE in the create stack functionality.  I have another server running OMV where i use Portainer to deploy stacks using the docker compose functionality.  When I paste in the same docker compose file from OMV into the create stack in Portainer CE on Unraid, the deploy the stack button stays grayed out and I cannot click it.  I don't think the file content of the docker-compose file is the issue, because in Portainer on OMV all works fine.  Are there any permissions or setup that might be required?  I just used the template for Portainer CE.  Thanks in advance for any help!

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Hey wjs,  without seeing the actual files, I can't help you out.  But there are significant changes between Portainer and Portainer CE... Now, both of them are up here on the app store, so you can install Portainer on your unraid box, and see if the stacks still work there, and then check it inside of Portainer CE... 

Also, you have to make sure you're on the right version of Unraid, to make sure that the docker system supports your stack and functionality. 

Lastly, for what it's worth, you need to check out the portainer slack community if you can't get any questions answered.  https://portainer.slack.com 


Hope some of these troubleshooting tips help you get to where you're going.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Have issues trying to build a new image from a dockerfile.

From Images -> Build a new image, I'm trying to run a `COPY /df/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh`.

In the unraid docker template, I have a path mapping for `/df -> /mnt/user/appdata/docker/`.

Lastly, the file in unraid exists at `/mnt/user/appdata/docker/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh`.


However I get an error: `COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat df/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh: file does not exist`

When I attempt to check the path via the dropdown -> Console UI, I get an error `OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: "sh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown`

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I've been having an issue getting a stack built with a Rail 7 app I created.  In an effort to seek help I forked a basic Rails 7 on docker repository and made a few changes I thought would be needed for building a Stack in portainer.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to make it work. 


I'm hoping by providing a simple repository others will help me determine if it's my application configuration or my portainer configuration.


Would someone who has portainer that is already known to be working on unraid trying building this stack for me and letting me know if you encounter issues?  I've included 2 files that should get you setup. 


portainer-docker-compose.yml & stack.env


I've already built the image and hosting it on dockerhub but feel free to distrust everything I've done.  :)

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