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  • 6.7.0-rc5 Warning Illegal String Type

    • Solved Annoyance

    Edits: Found in 6.7.0-rc1, rc2, rc3, rc4, rc5


    After upgrade I was greeted with this warning message in the GUI.


    I removed all plug-ins and it still persisted. I cleared all browser cache and cookies, it still persisted.


    Starting array and everything else seems to work fine. Just a visual warning.


    Any ideas what else to check?




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    Nobody else has reported this, but you may be the only one who has tried it with the max number of disks in the array.

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    I checked the code where those warning messages reference and yeah it looks disk count related @trurl


    @bonienl the Dynamix Stats plugin is also showing the error on the Disk Stats page.



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    To help further try to isolate this issue, I did the following...


    1. Rolled back to 6.6.6 thru the GUI, that worked smoothly. The warning message is not present. I captured a diagnostics file, attached filename ending in ...2022.zip


    2. I upgraded to 6.7.0-rc2, that worked smoothly. The warning message has returned. I captured a diagnostics file, attached filename ending in ...2028.zip


    Anything jump out in the diff comparison that's of help?




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    I was going to suggest SAFE mode but you beat me to it.


    I don't know why nobody else has commented here. I am going to tag @bonienl and see what he thinks of our theory about the max drive count.

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    4 hours ago, bonienl said:

    I made a correction which should solve this issue, it will be available in the next release.

    Cool, I'll standby. Appreciate the update.


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    7 hours ago, trurl said:

    I am going to tag @bonienl and see what he thinks of our theory about the max drive count. 

    I'm curious too! I'm still impressed you spotted the drive count as the outlier.


    I did a test where I removed one unassigned drive, but it had no effect on reducing the number of messages. Maybe I'll get time this weekend and try removing an assigned disk and see what happens 😁


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    On 1/31/2019 at 10:48 AM, bonienl said:

    I made a correction which should solve this issue, it will be available in the next release.


    HI @bonienl I upgraded to 6.7.0-rc3 and the warning messages persist. Is there a test or any further information that would be of help to you?


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    7 hours ago, bonienl said:

    I made another correction. It will be available in rc5.

     @bonienl If I copy your changes in pull request #463 is that the correction you made?


    I have some time today so thought I could give it a test and give you some quick feedback.

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    3 hours ago, Lev said:

     @bonienl If I copy your changes in pull request #463 is that the correction you made?


    I have some time today so thought I could give it a test and give you some quick feedback.

    Yes, look at the PR which says "Suppress PHP warnings"

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    On 2/16/2019 at 2:05 PM, bonienl said:

    Yes, look at the PR which says "Suppress PHP warnings"


    I copied the changes, but not sure how to reload emhttp. I tried the command "/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart" which I think is correct but the warning messages still persist.


    Did I do it right?


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    I guess I did do it right, just it didn't resolve suppressing the warning messages. Just confirmed by testing rc5 @bonienl. If you submit anymore pull requests, I'll give it another test.

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    New test conducted. I boot my server using a new installation of UnRAID 6.7.0rc5 on a new USB drive using a trial key. The warning messages do not appear.


    Knowing that, and knowing that rolling back to 6.6.6 also do not have the warning messages lead me to believe there must be something existing defined in my /boot/config/* files that 6.7.0rc doesn't like and creates that warning message.


    I'm thinking of doing a diff compare of each of my /boot/config/* files against the clean install but what should I be looking for? What is an example of a 'illegal string offset type'  that I can use for reference?

    Edited by Lev
    edited for clarity & fixed typo
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    49 minutes ago, Lev said:

    new installation of UnRAID 6.6.7rc5

    49 minutes ago, Lev said:

    rolling back to 6.6.6

    I'm sure this is just a typo but could you clarify? The latest RC and the subject of this thread is 6.7.0rc5. The latest stable is 6.6.7. I don't believe there were any RCs for 6.6.7.



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    6 minutes ago, trurl said:

    I'm sure this is just a typo but could you clarify?

    Typo. I edited the post so as not to cause more confusion. Thank you @trurl :)

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    I'll post details as soon as I find how I resolved this. There was something in my /boot/config/ and after I deleted the file(s) have resolved the warning message and it no longer appears.

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    The root cause was smart-one.cfg and for some reason it had the following two lines that must of been leftover artifacts from the past.


    smType=" "



    Mystery solved. 😀

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