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Report Comments posted by limetech

  1. Here is a description of your issue I think:


    From VM manager click on the name of a stopped VM.  This brings up the "Disk Devices" section where all the attached vdisks are displayed.  Click on one of the Capacity sizes for a vdisk (rollover says "click to increase").

    When you do this, the page scrolls back to the top, but if you scroll back down you can enter a number in the field, but after doing so and hitting enter, the page goes totally blank.  There is also a corresponding error message in the system log:

    Mar 21 00:25:36 Test1 root: error: /VMs?subaction=disk-resize

    Result is the vdisk size was not changed and you have to click Back in browser.

  2. Thanks for opening a separate report, however please provide details, screenshots (as appropriate), (as appropriate).  I realize you might have posted this stuff elsewhere and I realize your time is valuable.  However it's not all gathered together and it would save me a lot time trying to figure what is the issue you are reporting.