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Everything posted by Capronicus

  1. Not sure if you got this fixed, but I've been chasing a weird transcode issue where it would work in the plex media player app just fine, but not in chrome where it would buffer indefinitly, despite nvidia-smi showing everything working correctly, and the dashboard showing the stream playing using hw transcode. Tried a lot of things, from various driver versions, plex docker versions, permissions etc... Eventually the solution was to delete everything from the codecs folder in the Plex Media Server folder in appdata.
  2. Where can I find the .env file so I can add the Mapbox API? Didn't see anything in the appdata folder. Also is it possible to be able to change the colors used in the graphs?
  3. Running into this issue as well, worked fine for months but suddenly torrents barely download if at all, will update here should I find something.
  4. So, just an update since I got it fixed; renamed the folder in appdata, launched plex, updated it, then switched back to the old folder and tried updatingd again, this time it worked. Doen't make much sense but I'm not gonna complain :).
  5. Yep, binhex/arch-plex, the only thing that's not 'default' is the nvidia card being included for transcoding, though that seems to work just fine as well. I'm gonna remove/reinstall the docker later tonight, see if that resolves the issue. edit: unless you've got a suggestion that wouldn't involve reinstalling the whole thing
  6. By pulling the latest image, through unraid's docker itself. Manually in this case: https://imgur.com/a/dZTCVup
  7. Having a small issue with updating this, everything else runs fine (including plex actually) Both unraid and the plex client indicate there's an update: You are currently running version on the server. Version is now available. I can update the container just fine, however afterwards it appears to have not updated anything. And just remains on All my other containers update just fine, and plex is working just fine as well, doesn't throw any errors, nothing in the logs indicating anything out of order
  8. I've got a watchguard, so that should be possible somewhere, just not a network specialist haha
  9. Quick question, everything so far works beautifull no issues whatsoever, however when I try to connect from my local network to my reverse proxy this doesn't work, now after a bit of research I've been pointed in the direction to setup NAT on my firewall so it translates mydomain to the local dockers but I'm a bit of an idiot and I can't get this to work. Alternatively I have managed to setup up a dns rewrite through adguard so docker.my.domain does get translated to the ip adres of the unraid server however I still need to specify the port. In short; docker.my.domain -> works remote but not locally docker.my.domain:port -> works locally but not remote Is there a way to set things up that I can simply use docker.my.domain from both my local network as well as from a remote network?
  10. So in the past week I've been experiencing intermittent connection issues (as in; no internet access at all) locally everything kept working fine. Eventually after a bit of mucking about, it turns out to be this container. Stopping the binhex-delugevpn container and everything suddenly started working as intended, I did not have this issue with the normal deluge container. So it's mostly dns server related (though I'm no professional so my diagnosis might be wrong) But using the default NAME_SERVERS causes major latency issues, pinging the dns server would show a delay of on average 200-300ms with about 50% of the pings simply timing out. stopping the container immediatly resolves that. Regardless of which vpn server (I'm using PIA) or name server I use the issue persist. Now I've changed the Name server to an opendns one that I know for sure isn't being used by anything in the house and as a workaround this is okay-ish, however it appears download speeds are still suffering heavily because of this, it also occasionaly breaks tracking torrents (until I restart the container). Any clues as to why this might happen or how to resolve this? First week I had this running there were no issues at all, and I had the normal deluge container running fine for months so besides the vpn all settings are identical. edit nvm, my workaround did not work, running the container completely wrecks my internet connection to the point it's unusable
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