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Everything posted by jcarroll

  1. Any thoughts here? This is what I get during boot after upgrading from 6.12.10. Tried multiple times. Reverted to backups without issue.
  2. So, I upgraded to try to set up 2 cache pools, but when I set up my shares with the cache pool I wanted each share to use, it moved EVERYTHING to my cache drives, or tried to. Is this just a bug, or am I missing something.
  3. 6.8.1 worked flawlessly. Is there a way to downgrade?
  4. I'm still struggling to get Unraid to boot after installing this. I can provide whatever you need. Also willing to let someone remote in if that would help. I'd like to get my P2000 back to work.
  5. It is directly tied to the nvidia install though. It boots first time, every time if it's not installed. Install it and I can't boot. Period. That, to me, seems like it's not a USB problem. I will try to reseat though.
  6. So this evening it downloaded fast and no errors. Upon reboot I get kernel panic. Only fix was to download unraid and overwrite the bz* files. It then boots fine. I tried this 3 times with the same result. Not sure if this is something on my end or what....
  7. Downloading 6.8.2 right now. Painfully slow. Failed.
  8. I'm honestly not sure. The downloads just sit completed in Activity.
  9. Hello everyone. I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why Radarr doesn't move files to their final location. I will admit, I'm 100% new to unraid and dockers. I've been using radarr for years on Windows. I'm sure it's a path issue, but I could really use some help. I'm not sure what information to provide to get started, but please let me know. I'm glad to have someone remote in to take a look as well...
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