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Report Comments posted by Mor9oth

  1. Hello! I hope someone can help me. For the last year my unraid server autostarted the encrypted array automatically by downloading the keyfile from FTP. I used the guide from@SpaceInvaderOne, and it worked well until yesterday. Yesterday the array did not start and showed up the message "wrong key", simular like shown in this thread:




    Unfortunately, I have no idea what went wrong since I did not change anything. I checked the keyfile: With every reboot the keyfile will be correctly downloaded to /root/keyfile as in the guide. I also did not change the password. The password has 11 Characters and only letters and numbers. No special characters. It is very strange because I didn't change anything and the file is in /root.


    Any ideas on this?

    Screenshot Capture - 2021-06-18 - 10-44-16.png

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