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Posts posted by DrBazUK

  1. On 5/5/2024 at 4:05 AM, Fribb said:


    Thank you, that was it. I don't know why that was set to ''. set that to my correct LAN network and now it works.

    This solved it for me too... Have now completed my migration from original media management (SpaceInvaderOne) to TRASH guides/Ibracorp atomic links...

  2. Has anyone successfully managed to get the traffic from this container routed through another container (VPN) - I've attempted to use SpaceInvader One's tutorial from 3 years ago to direct all traffic through Binhex's rtorrentvpn container but wasn't able to get it to work.


    I was able to bash in to the consolse and use "curl ifconfig.io" to confirm the IP address was updated to use the VPN endpoint but I couldn't then access the web ui at all.


    Didn't matter if I pointed all TA containers to use the proxy or just the TA server and left redis and ES on bridge.


    Any help very gratefully received.


  3. 16 hours ago, MikeyJJ said:


    Ah that's a shame. let us know how you get on! Thanks!

    Seems that there is a template maintained by ZappyZap:

    giving that a try now as the Dockerhub version didn't seem to work as expected but the template seems to just configure more OOTB.



    Seems to be a lot better than the DOCKERHUB install without a template - it installs SQLite as the default DB but can also connect to InfluxDB if you have one set up.


    I can't see any way to import old results but I have them as a CSV for comparison.


    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, MikeyJJ said:



    I'm trying to reinstall speedtest-tracker. I removed the old image and reinstalled. All goes well until I open the logs and get this line repeating;


    warning: require(/config/www/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/artisan on line 18


    Is anyone able to help with this problem? I've never had it before.




    Looks like the Unraid Docker for the original Speedtest-tracker has been abandoned and there is a fork of it with more up to date commits: ajustesen/speedtest-tracker - I'm giving it a go from the Docker hub to install to see if I can get it to work and will be using a backup of my original database to populate with historical transfer speeds. Will update with progress.

  5. Pretty much seamless upgrade for me from 6.8.3 to 6.9.0 but a few quirks noticed in the 24 hours since I pulled the trigger.


    Anyone else using the Dynamix Fan Auto Control plugin facing issues with the fan controller seeming to ramp up to 100% and stay there way longer than before?


    I'm also struggling to get settings to save when using this plugin.


    Apart from that, the only other minor gripe is that clicking the X on system notifications doesn't close them without refreshing the page.

  6. 17 minutes ago, binhex said:

    see the support thread for rTorrentVPN and click on the 'recommended post'.

    Thank you!

    Q26 solved the issue.


    For anyone else facing the same issue - this is what solved it:

    inside both Radarr and Sonarr in the General tab > Proxy settings and "Ignored Addresses" and adding the IP address of my UNRAID server to the Ignored Addresses field.


    Thanks Binhex, stellar support as always.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. I seem to be having similar issues to @xxDeadbolt in that I can access Jackett using the GUI on port 9117 and testing the 5 indexers I have in Jackett all work as expected, each reporting a result with a green tick mark.


    In the Jackett GUI I have configured the proxy to point at the binhex-rTorrentVPN endpoint on port 8118 which I know is working as I can connect through that proxy with my desktop machine and it gives a different IP address than my home IP address.


    The issue I have is that I can't get Radarr or Sonarr to connect to Jackett (all @binhex repos). I get errors like this from Sonarr:

    NzbDroneErrorPipeline  Invalid request Validation failed: -- Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details

    TorznabUnable to connect to indexer: HTTP request failed: [503:ServiceUnavailable] [GET] at [

    HttpClientHTTP Error - Res: [GET] 503.ServiceUnavailable


    and this from Radarr:

    2021-3-1 17:02:48.0|Warn|HttpClient|HTTP Error - Res: [GET] 503.ServiceUnavailable 2021-3-1 17:02:50.1|Warn|HttpClient|HTTP Error - Res: [GET] 503.ServiceUnavailable 2021-3-1 17:02:50.1|Warn|Torznab|Unable to connect to indexer


    From checking the logs, the errors first started 26 Feb so I don't know if there was a change to one or more of the containers that might have caused an issue as the 4 containers seemed to have been working reasonably well until then. Reinstalling Jackett after nuking the install made no difference.


    I've tried to add the 9117 port to rTorrent in both the Container Variable: ADDITIONAL_PORTS section and as a separate Container Port as @xxDeadbolt did without any noticeable effect. I may be getting my wires crossed though...


    I'm out of ideas on what else to try.


    Any help very gratefully received.


  8. 1 hour ago, DrBazUK said:

    I ended up nuking Calibre-Web, removing the appdata folder and reinstalling - Calibre-Web now finds all the books that I've added previously and shows them in the interface. No idea what happened to it but it's working now.

    Just in case a similar issue occurs for any other user, I think that the "CaliBlur! Dark theme" was causing issues.


    After I reinstalled and using the Standard Theme (light), I could see all my books and could read them within the browser after enabling the option to read in browser.


    But when I later switched to using the Dark theme, the issue with missing books returned.


    I also noted that the indexing/searching seemed to be broken when using the CaliBlur! theme such that keyword searches returned no results despite there being books tagged with a term in metadata columns and also titled using that same term.


    Reverting to LightUI (default) again still had missing content so I nuked the installation a third time, reinstalled and am sticking with the Standard Theme (light). So far, things appear to be showing all my books and they are readable in the browser so I'm content for now.

  9. On 2/9/2021 at 11:44 PM, saarg said:


    You might have to stop calibre for Calibre-web to pick up the books.

    I ended up nuking Calibre-Web, removing the appdata folder and reinstalling - Calibre-Web now finds all the books that I've added previously and shows them in the interface. No idea what happened to it but it's working now.

  10. 8 hours ago, saarg said:

    Restart the Calibre-web container.

    I think there was some issues when you have both calibre and Calibre-web running at the same time.

    As far as I know, you don't need Calibre after setting up Calibre-web.


    Have tried that and the weird thing is I have added other books after this using the Calibre interface and these are showing up in Calibre-Web.


    I hadn't realised that the Calibre-Web interface permitted the addition of books.


    I may have to nuke the 800+ added to Calibre and add them in smaller batches with Calibre-Web offline.


    Thanks for the pointers.

  11. This may be a silly question but is there any limit to the size of the Calibre database that Calibre-web will read?

    I've come across an issue where I added a whole bunch of new books using the Calibre interface and the 800+ books added are visible in the Calibre interface but not in the Calibre-web interface.

    Total number of books is 4977, can only see up to 4169. Numbers 4170 to 4741 were added on the same day as the preceding 6 or so books which *are* showing up in Calibre-web.

    Alternatively, is there any way to force Calibre-web to reload the content from the database - reconnecting using the button in the admin page doesn't seem to make any difference.

  12. 12 hours ago, MatzeHali said:

    Hi NuWanDa,


    I had the same problem.

    To solve it, stop the docker, remove it, remove the docker template by clicking add template, then choose the MacInABox Template and hit the minus button.

    After that use a file manager like Krusader and delete the MacInABox folder in Appdata. (This is the important step that the scripts will get installed, later)

    For good measure, also delete the iso-files of the MacOSX version in the iso folder.

    After that, reinstall the MacInABox-Docker.


    Hope that helps.





    I *WAS* having the same issue as multiple users. I nuked the previous install as detailed in Ed's excellent video tutorial and then followed the video again to install, this time opting for Catalina rather than BigSur to see if that made any difference.


    Am on 6.8.3, made sure that CA User Scripts was installed and also VM_Custom_Icons before installing Macinabox. I think part of the issue may have been impatience! as when I went to get a screengrab of the "missing" scripts, lo! and behold! they were there...


    Cue acute embarrassment on my part but felt it important enough to let folks know that they need to be patient to see if the scripts materialise before giving up.


    If all else fails, install Catalina first, then consider re-running to download Big Sur in a *second* VM.


    Thanks Ed, all this so I can jailbreak my ipad!

  13. thanks trurl,


    This is the output from the docker run command:



    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='booksonic-air' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'CONTEXT_PATH'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '4040:4040/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/MediaLibrary/Audiobooks/':'/books':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/MediaLibrary/Podcasts/':'/podcast':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/booksonic-air':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/booksonic-air' 


    The command finished successfully!



  14. I'm probably being a plank but I can't seem to add Media folders.


    Configured in docker to use /mnt/user/MediaLibrary/Audiobooks/ and /mnt/user/MediaLibrary/Podcasts/ but in the interface I can't seem to add these to have the application index the folders:




    TBH, I'm no unraid power user and have been holding my various media shares together with lots of help from the forums and @SpaceinvaderOne's unraid tutorial vids... Plex, Calibre & Calibre Web are working fine but I suspect I'm doing something wrong in Booksonic - any help gratefully received.


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