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Posts posted by danimal86

  1. 5 minutes ago, Terebi said:


    Yeah, the purpose of the script is so you can ignore this and it self manages based on time.  But I admit I do manually move things off of cache that I know won't get watched soon/frequently to make room for other things to stay on cache longer

    So if you were to manually delete an item from the txt file then the mover wouldn't ignore it and it would get moved off the cache?


    Just so i know how it works.  Once the cache hits the MAX_SIZE then it starts deleting items off the list starting at the bottom and then the mover does not ignore those anymore and moves them off the cache to the array?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Terebi said:


    You don't need to recreate the file.  In notepad++ you can see the line endings (see the LFs in my file)




    You can then convert using notepad++ too in the edit menu.


    Thanks for that.  I would not have figured that out on my own! 🙂

    Holy moly.  It just processed a crap ton of files.  I had to run it twice because apparently i cant spell "scripts" correctly 


    I'm pretty shocked how much i have on the cache after looking at the txt file.....


  3. 3 minutes ago, Terebi said:


    It looks like you saved the file with Windows line endings.  (\n\r). It needs to have linux endings (\n). 


    Some more advanced text editors (notepad++) can convert line endings for you.  Or there are various linux command lines you could google to do the replacements. 

    Interesting.  i used notepad++ to create the file......I'll recreate it again from scratch and try it.  

  4. 11 minutes ago, Terebi said:


    You do not need an end slash in the output dir. You can see in the next line (output file) that a slash is added there between the directory and filename. 


    The file should be created every time mover runs.  Otherwise the mover would move anything not listed in the file.  You can run the moverignore script manually to make sure the file gets generated by going into the directory in a shell in the sh file is in, then running "bash moverignore.sh" .   If you still have the movertuning threshholds in place for size and age, then mover may not be running at all, which would mean my script would also not run. 

    Ok, bare with me....here's what i got.  Command line work is like a foreign language to me, actually surprised i got this far, but learning every time. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Terebi said:


    you can run the moverignore script manually before the mover runs, to generate the file and make sure it appears as you expect.  Instructions for doing so are in the first post. 

    Should the script create the text file even if its not hit the MAX_SIZE threshold?  


    sorry for the dumb question, do i need a "/" at the end of the OUTPUT_DIR?


  6. 49 minutes ago, Terebi said:


    .sh not .sv


    you don't need to create moverignore.txt, it will be created by the script.  you only need to change target dir if your media share/directory name is different.  

    oops...good catch.  I changed it to SH.  Looks like our directories are the same (trash's guide?)


    Alright, i've got everything setup:

    Ignore files listed inside of a text file: /mnt/user/appdata/scripts/moverignore.txt

    Script to run before mover (No checks, always runs): /mnt/user/appdata/scripts/moverignore.sh


    I've got the rest of the mover tuning settings for moving after a certain amount of days, should i change anything?


  7. Thanks for linking to this from the movertuning page.  Looks exactly what i am looking for. 


    So for the simple minded like me:

    Copy the scrpt to notepad++, change the "MAX_SIZE" to 3.5tb (in bytes, i have a 4tb cache), save as "moverignore.sv" and place it \appdata\scripts.  Do i need to change anything in TARGET_DIR or OUTPUT_DIR?  I created moverignore.txt and placed it in \appdata\scripts

    In mover tuning path to moverignore.sv in "Script to run before mover (No checks, always runs):"  and moverignore.txt for the "Ignore files listed inside of a text file:"

  8. I've been using the mover tuning to keep new media on my ssd cache pool as long as possible to keep drives from spinning up.  It works great, takes a little bit of time to set the duration just right....the only time i run into problems is when i want to grab a bunch of new media, then i need to lower the duration to move data off to be ready for the new. 


    Is it possible to have it so that the mover just moves the oldest media on the cache off to the array once the cache pool hits a certain % full?

  9. On 2/11/2024 at 10:02 PM, ich777 said:

    I can only tell you from the backups that I create with luckyBackup it is working as expected and it deletes the files in the destination which are not existing in the source.

    Just following up....it does in fact delete all the files that weren't on the source at the end of the transfer.  


    Thanks for your help.  

    • Like 1
  10. LuckyBackups:

    I recently went through and changed my file structure for how i was housing media.  I went through Luckybackups and updated the source/target paths and everything seems to be working now, but i've been going through and upgrading older low quality versions of movies to new high quality ones and i'm wondering if its possible for Luckybackups to remove the old copies that had previously been backed up.  

    The top is my main server, and bottom is my backup.  



    My backup is onsite, so its not the end of the world if i have to just trash and re-backup, but i'd rather not have to write about 40tb of data if i dont have to.  



  11. @alturismo Wondering if i can pick your brain about setting up xteve_vpn.  I dumped the .ovpn file in /appdata/xteve_vpn folder but not sure what else i need to do.  I cant get any streams to run so i'm sure i haven't configured it correctly?  Any requirements for the openvpn config (protical/port....)?


    So i dumped my 13.ovpn file created from torguard in /conf and pointed towards it in the docker template.  Is that correct?

    image.png.4fc6fdb5f5cf974dde1ce375862c1378.png image.thumb.png.83a125d90703c5784a3bb22d2cf62cad.png


    and then as far as the logindata.conf, dumb question but what goes there?  login info for torguard?

  12. First of all, sorry for placing this in the General Support area.  I couldn't find a page for the Plex Inc Docker and my search for "Plex Remote Access" didn't come up with anything plex related. 


    I had remote access working fine for years but all of a sudden i was noticing that my remote streams were limited to 2mbps and it looked like it was going through the Plex Relay and my server wasn't reachable remotely.  


    I have upnp enabled in my asus router but it still doesn't seem to work.  I tried setting up a port forwarding (external & internal ports set to 32400 and internal ip and selected the Manually Specified Public Port in plex, but it still doesn't work.  


    Anyone have any ideas?  I haven't changed anything network related for years, so i dont think its a double NAT issue, but i dont completely understand it.  


    Edit: i had a remote stream going and it was playing indirect 


    The only think i have changed recently is installed jellyfin, so i deleted the docker and when i checked back on Remote Access in plex it was all green, but now its back to red.  



    This is bizarre.  I have a vpn setup through built in wireguard.  I have Sabnzbd setup to go through the vpn (i use ssl but cant be too safe) but plex is on Host mode.  I went and dissabled the vpn on wireguard and BAM!  All green and running a remote test it all working fine.  

    How the hell did that affect my plex? 


  13. 14 minutes ago, hugenbdd said:

    Ever thing will move because you have "Move All From Cache-Yes shares when disk is above a certain percentage:" set to "Yes" and the threshold set to 85%.  You can set this to "No" however, there is a possibility you could use 100% of cache.  But, if you monitor it and get your "days old" setting just right, you can keep 60 days or close to 60 days with no issues depending on how much you download each day.  (i.e. You are trying to match the amount that gets moved off each night with about the same amount you download each day)

    Thank you!  Cant believe i didn't put 2 & 2 together with that setting.  Seems like it could be helpful to have that more towards the top with the other settings.  


    Thats really what i want to do, kinda fine tune the days to keep on cache so it keeps cache around 80% full, ( seems like i ingest 1tb/month, so that would leave some extra room in there) and it will keep drives from spinning up and have fast play times.  

  14. Could use some advice:  

    I run two 2tb m.2's in raid0 for my cache.  I would like to keep files on the cache drive for as long as possible before the mover takes over and puts them on the array.  Seems to work fine, it will fill up to around 80ish % then all of a sudden, bam....moves everything to the array.  

    This has been happening for a while, and its really hard to diagnose, because it take a bit of time to fill up the cache

    Here's my mover settings



    Here's my tuning settings:



    Is it something i have setup wrong?  Ultimately i'd like to have it keep 60 days worth of media on the cache, then move it to the array.  I'm a little confused on what to have "Only move at this threshold of used cache space" set to if i only want the 60 day old media kept

  15. On 5/28/2023 at 8:16 AM, JonathanM said:

    Do you backup your appdata?

    i tried using the stopwatch and it had reset itself, so it wasn't the appdata backup

    I'll give it a try again and see if it will not reset overnight.  


    Edit: it reset overnight

  16. On 5/28/2023 at 8:16 AM, JonathanM said:

    Do you backup your appdata?

    Dang, i didn't even think about this.  Yes i do, i remember running into a problem with Lucky Backups that it would disconnect when my appdata backups, nightly.  

    I'll set it to Exclude the Firefox appdata folder during my daily backups.  

    @Djoss I bet this is the problem.  Going to try the stopwatch again.  

  17. 39 minutes ago, Djoss said:

    Also, are you sure it's not the site itself that has an issue when kept open for too long ?

    I didn't think about that. Any way to track that?


    I think for the most part i'll just have to set it up the day of....Not the biggest issue in the world.  Thanks for your help

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