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Posts posted by der8ertl

  1. hi guys and girls!

    first of all: thank your for the plugin, really makes things easier

    generally love the community


    now i have some questions:

    in wich order does the backup-task stop and start the docker containers?

    the reason for my question:

    in the past, i've noticed some strange things happen to nextcloud, if it's connected to a maria-db container. if the maria-db will be stopped before nextcloud, it could happen that after the restart nextcloud runs into a system-error and needs to be reinstalled.

    I've had that a couple of times and it cost me nerves and hair..


    Is there someone else maybe with this experience?

    is there any advice you can give me?


    at the moment i've excluded mariadb and nextcloud from backup from beeing shutdown, but if I understand correctly this could lead to more issues and also files which beeing accessed not beeing backuped.


    thanks in advance!



  2. Hi,

    I don't know if anyone has successfully used the lancache-bundle docker for wsus, at least I couldn't find any "how to"


    so could anyone please help me?

    what are the correct settings for the clients? or do I even need to set something?

    I would assume, that I have to tell the windows client where the wsus server is (?)


    thanks in advance!


  3. i know, this is an old topic, but does anyone have experience with esxi 7.0?

    i tried to create a vm for testing on one of my unraid boxes, with the mentioned settings, but during installation i get an error that it cannot find any ethernet adapter.



  4. I have a quite similar issue as my previous poster.

    But I had Nextcloud running for quite some time now. This error just suddenly appeared (maybe with last Docker update?).


    Unfortunately I cannot rollback to a backup since my backup-settings were wrong and I have only one backup from "not working state".

    Please, help?


    Thanks in advance!

    (sry for bad english)



    I ended up reinstalling Nextcloud and MariaDB, now it's working again

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