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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. Has anybody seen an icon for the Lian Li PC-O8?
  2. Btw I use linux plex version so I can use gpu transcoding
  3. Hi folks Please check if that usecase is possible: NAS 1: -Plex docker in unraid installed. -Files for plex are on that same NAS as well - runs like a charme I have a 2nd NAS also (WD pr4100) Id like to use that space on there as well. Is it possible to store some data on the 2nd NAS as well and still having my first NAS on which I have plex to do the transcoding etc.? Inside plex I cant navigate to my 2nd NAS when I want to browse those files. Is that possible what Im planing to do? greetings
  4. Is somewhere a guide how to install this? It is really cool. But since Im on day 1 with unraid, Im kinda lost.
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