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  1. I've just installed your docker and I've gotten foundry to start up, in setup mode when I go to install a game system it times out and says it couldn't load any packages. I am not entirely sure why. If I start foundryvtt on my windows desktop version I don't have this issue. Any ideas? thanks
  2. Yesterday I was trying to get my new e-reader to access Calibre and I realized it was on a different IP subnet than calibre was. Calibre was on and the e-reader was on 172.16.0.?. So all I did was change Calibre to be on the host subnet and now calibre wont open the desktop gui. So I changed calibre back to the 172.18 subnet and now every time I open the webUI it sends me to the wrong port and opens a different docker gui. I have checked and my port numbers are the same as they've always been. port 9090. If I specify a specific IP in the settings for calibre and then try to open that address i get a connection failed. Any idea how to get back into the webUI?
  3. Nevermind, I decided to reboot the server again and now everything magically works.
  4. I installed a 2TB SSD into my NVME slot today and booted the server. It showed up in unassigned devices and I was able to format it with XFS but now I only get the greyed out MOUNT button. I'm not sure why it wont mount. It is not passed through. I have read through the instructions but everything makes it seem as though once formatted everything works. What did I do wrong here? Thanks
  5. I have my daily driver copy of win 10 that I use for gaming and other daily applications. This VM is passed through the gpu and used the mouse and keyboard connected to the machine. I created a second VM that I could use for editing, music creation and things like that. This was originally going to be the business VM and the first one was just for gaming. I also had the second VM set to pass though the gpu and use the mouse and keyboard. However now what I wanted to do was on the second VM (business vm) not pass through the gpu and turn off the mouse and keyboard, run this VM through VNC and then using the gaming VM I could remote into the second VM using splashtop or parsec and then be able to have both running simultaneously. When I set this all up and started the second VM, both systems shut down immediately. I'm not sure if it is because something is set up wrong, do both vm's need a gpu to pass through, or is it because both windows instances are using the same product key? I would love to get this working because I don't want to have all of the same software running on the gaming system in case I have to refresh it and start over. thank you!
  6. In radarr docker setup I have the data folder as /mnt/user/Downloads. Sabnzbd then gets a file and places it in a folder on the download share as completed, then radar should pick it up and place it on the movies share.
  7. Ah yes that may do the trick. I will try it. I think I had the docker pointed at the download share but for some reason it downloaded onto the usb drive.
  8. I have searched but not finding the right results. Please point me in the right direction. I accidentally had radarr pointed to the wrong place and it placed some files onto my Unraid USB drive I corrected the issue but my USB is still reading 30gb of 30gb used. I don't know how to find these files and delete them off the USB. Thank you
  9. I reran the script and then everything in the log was ok, no errors. And then it took maybe 5 minutes until my gdrive showed up in the mergerfs folder
  10. OK it seems to be running now. The cron job isn't running on schedule though. I used */10**** but it doesn't seem to run every 10 minutes. I also set up the upload script to run at *0**** but I don't believe it ran at midnight. cron job aside, I have a question as to where I point the dockers, ie radarr, to transfer files into once completed.The instructions say to point the docker to mnt/user, which I did, then inside the docker app I pointed at the mergerfs folder and chose the local media drive folder. Strange thing is that now that local folder is on the google drive and when I download something it's now trasferring directly to the gdrive and not a local folder first. Is that normal? I already had a movies folder on my gdrive and so my local folder was movies_local. Now both are saying they live on the gdrive. That's fine but I want to know where to tell radarr to point to. And should I rename movies_local to movies so that the gdrive folder and the local folder combine?
  11. *Update* I was missing an underscore and that was hanging the mount creating. However now it says everything is mounted and running but if I look inside the mount_mergerfs folder the google drive or any of the local folders are there. It's almost like I have to physically mount the google drive myself to get this working.
  12. So I was able to get it all running, the gdrive mounted correctly and the script ran perfectly. But then the server rebooted and when the script ran again I got this 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: Creating local folders. 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: Creating MergerFS folders. 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: *** Starting mount of remote gdrive 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: Checking if this script is already running. 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: Script not running - proceeding. 06.10.2021 12:53:05 INFO: *** Checking if online 06.10.2021 12:53:07 PASSED: *** Internet online 06.10.2021 12:53:07 INFO: Success gdrive remote is already mounted. 06.10.2021 12:53:07 INFO: Mergerfs already installed, proceeding to create mergerfs mount 06.10.2021 12:53:07 INFO: Creating gdrive mergerfs mount. fuse: bad mount point `media/gdrive:/mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive': No such file or directory 06.10.2021 12:53:07 INFO: Checking if gdrive mergerfs mount created. 06.10.2021 12:53:07 CRITICAL: gdrive mergerfs mount failed. Stopping dockers. When I navigate to the rclone_mount folder using krusader I don't see the files that are online as I had before. I'm not sure why it is hanging up on the mererfs mount.
  13. *Update* I've been fooling around with a lot of things and I think I got the drives set up right. I am confused as to where to point plex and radarr and the other dockers. One thing I found was that it feels as though my gdrive is not mounted. I am unable to use krusader to look onto that drive like I had before. I think I made all the changes to the mount script correctly. # REQUIRED SETTINGS RcloneRemoteName="gdrive" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone RcloneMountDirCacheTime="720h" # rclone dir cache time LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/user0/mount_rclone" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone RcloneCacheMaxSize="400G" # Maximum size of rclone cache RcloneCacheMaxAge="336h" # Maximum age of cache files MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable DockerStart="nzbget plex sonarr radarr ombi" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page MountFolders=\{"downloads/complete,downloads/intermediate,downloads/seeds,movies,tv"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount As you can see I didn't change much but where it says rclonemountshare="mnt/user/mount_rclone" if I go to that directory and I see gdrive listed but there's nothing inside the folder. About a year ago I would run a mount script rclone mount gdrive: /mnt/disks/ there would be my google drive and all of the same contects that are on the drive itself. Now I don't see that. What am I doing wrong? I would like to point plex to a specific folder on the gdrive. where do I point it to? Thanks!
  14. Hi everyone, I am still fairly new to unraid. Only about a year. I set it up using video tutorials from Spaceinvader One as many did I would think. I followed a tutorial on setting up rclone beta. That app disappeared and my google drive was no longer accessible. I'm happy to have found these scripts but I am sad to say I don't think I am following them correctly. Here's what I have done so far. Installed the latest rclone docker In config I created a mount for my shared google drive and called it gdrive: I created a second mount as a crypt mount calling it gdrive_media_vfs: The crypt mount did not ask my which mount to attach it to, I believe I did this step wrong . I am reading that you should call the remote gdrive:gdrive_media_vfs In user scripts I copied and pasted the mount script leaving everything the same and I now see a couple new folders in my user shares directory. The thing is I am not able to access my googole drive like I used to. If I click into the gdrive folder using Krusader the folder appears empty. In the past I could see the whole contents. Just to clarify, in a cmd line I used rclone lsd gdrive: and I was able to see a complete listing of all the folders in the drive. But using Krusader I don't see anything. When I try to set the gdrive_media_vfs folder in plex I am told that there is nothing in the folder. Sorry for being a long text. Please tell me what you would like me to upload so I can get some help. The description of these scripts are exactly what I have been looking for!!! Thank you all in advance!
  15. I want to be able to download files to my local array with things like sabnzb but once the file hits my completed folder I want it scheduled to move it to my Google drive. I tried changing my completed folder to my Google directory but it won't allow that. Please point me in the right direction. Thank you!