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Posts posted by jowi

  1. I've been running sabnzbdvpn successfully for some time now, my topspeed while downloading with openvpn enabled in the docker, was about 10MB/s. Few weeks ago i've replaced my old router with PFSense, running on an UNRAID VM, and i configured openvpn there, so that every connection within my network, now runs over the vpn by default. So i have no need for the vpn in sabnzbdvpn anymore, so i disabled it in the docker config (VPN_ENABLED=no).


    But now i notice that when i'm downloading, the download speed has tripled, from 10MB/s to almost 30MB/s... and yes, it is over vpn. How is it that openvpn within the docker is so much slower then the same openvpn within PFSense? Both are running on the same hardware...?

  2. Not much pfsense knowledge here i guess... it's a complex piece of kit. Hard to understand the concepts.


    I did manage to set up an openvpn client for my vpn provider (GooseVPN in the Netherlands) and it is up and running. But... not the way i want, and not anything like the tutorials on it. Usually once you have the openvpn client set up, you add a new interface for it, and then use that interface as the gateway for your other interfaces, like LAN and LAN2 (where LAN2 in my case is igb2, and has a DD-WRT wifi router attached to it as AP). Also you have to add rules for both LAN/LAN1 that allow the vpn to work...


    But... if i set this up this way, only my LAN is working over the openvpn, and my WIFI (LAN2) is not. LAN2/WIFI can't connect to anything anymore...


    So what i did now is just add the openvpn client, and once that is up, i set the outbound NAT rules, and from then on both my LAN and LAN2 are routed through the vpn... which is ok, but it is not working like the tutorials say it should with using the gateways and whatnot.

  3. I have set up the above topology. Unraid is running pfsense, and my DD-WRT router is now configured as an access point. So far so good. All devices can connect, eiter using the LAN (192.168.1.x) or WIFI (192.168.2.x) subnets. I can also access the unraid GUI on subnet 192.168.1.x on my (wifi) ipad which is in subnet 192.168.2.x. Also good. Me happy.


    But... if i turn on my vpn on my ipad (goose vpn, in app form on the local device like pia/nordvpn etc) i can surf the internet etc but i can not acces the 192.168.1.x subdomain anymore? So i can not enter unraid's webgui etc. If i turn off the (local) vpn, all is ok... btw, if i use the vpn on my wired mac mini, there is no problem entering the unraid gui. Both mac-mini as unraid are on the same subnet.


    How do i change this?

    Or is this a DD-WRT setting i'm missing?



    i also can not acces my receiver and apple tv (both are in 192.168.1.x) from apps on the ipad (192.168.2.x)... this must be related?

    How do i make both subnets 'see' each other for all devices (not just some?)



    Fixed the subnet-could-not-see-eachother issue by defining a bridge between them. Don't know if that is the best solution but it works. Also tried rules that would allow traffic from subnet a to b and vice versa but did not work.


    The (local) vpn issue remains.


  4. I think it is mandatory to use a switch to connect all your devices, including unraid, so at least the (static?) devices can 'see' each other if the unraid server + pfsense is turned off. Also connect the IPMI from the unraid server to the switch so you can manage the server from another pc even if the unraid server is turned off. IPMI will give itself a static ip anyway as it seems (see pic, eth0..3 is quad nic, IPMI/LAN is internal supermicro nics, all other devices connect to the switch as well, AP is my old wifi router as an access point, upperleft is the cablemodem)



  5. I've used the "unassigned devices" plugin and that let me format it as ext4.


    Btw, i've stopped using dropbox altogether, since they also only allow 3 devices all of a sudden... this makes it useless. They want to force you to take a subscription... i've now installed NextCloud using SpaceInvaderOne's excellent tutorial. Much better :)

  6. I've had this running succesfully for a few weeks now. I also used the sabnzbd-vpn proxy for Sonarr. Worked like a charm, but today i noticed errors in Sonarr that the nzb indexers i've been using, could not be found. Also the api connection from sonarr to sab did not work anymore.


    After some testing i decided to disable the use of sabnzbd's proxy in sonarr, and... now sonarr can connect to sab and to the indexers...?


    I've restarted all dockers, checked settings,,, all is well, but for some reason i can't use the sabnzbd proxy from outside anymore?

    Sabnzbd's logging shows it succesfully connects to my vpn provider in a correct matter, and downloading works as well.


    If i setup a separate binhex-privoxyvpn docker with the exact same ovpn files and settings i'm using in sabnzbdvpn, and use that as proxy in sonarr, sonarr works just fine and can connect to sabnzbd and nzb indexers just fine... 


    What is wrong? Sabnzbd was updated a few days ago to 2.3.8 [0dd1f64], did something break?

  7. At the absolute worst time to do any serious upgrading (sunday morning...) i decided to upgrade the Netgear WNDR3700 to the latest DD-WRT build... upgrading went well, after a lot of reading and googling :) had some problems setting up wifi (and forgot that i also needed to re-setup Alexa, Nest etc...) but it works.


    And even better, DD-WRT has an option 'local DNS' and if i put in the ip adres of pihole there... it works!

    So upgrading was a bit of  gamble, but so far so good.

  8. The router is a Netgear WNDR3700, it is pretty basic and ancient. It can't even forward ports. Well, it does, but you can not change the port number, internal and external must be the same...e.g. for Nextcloud and LetsEncrypt i need to forward external WAN port 80 and 443 to internal 180 and 1443 on UNRAID, but the router won't let me do that... it also lacks VPN etc. So it is candidate for replacement anyway. I've ordered an Intel quad NIC pcie card, so i can install pfsense on the UNRAID server, if that works i'm gonna revisit PiHole... 

  9. 5 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    You should not set the router's DNS server to the Pihole IP address.  It is a good idea to give your Pihole docker container a custom IP address


    LAN DHCP DNS (all my LANs have the same DNS settings) - Primary DNS is set to Pihole,

    According to the video it is mandatory to set the routers primary DNS to the pihole (static) IP adress. Which i did.

    I'm not sure if i understand the second line in the quote? Isn't that the same?


    If i look at your config, you are only using the pihole machine as DHCP, and not as DNS, so it won't do what it is for, filtering ads etc..? It only serves as DHCP?

  10. Looks like the BIOS itself is giving IPMI an IP address...? I've disconnected my router, and made sure my Mac Mini and IPMI were connected to the same switch. I've turned OFF the unraid server (over IPMI). So there was no DHCP, no WAN, no internet anywhere on the network. But... i could still connect to the UNRAID server from the MacMini over IPMI and boot it up. So i guess PFSense is still an option :)

  11. My UNRAID server is headless, situated in a utility closet. I monitor it using IPMI... if i need to reboot etc.

    My network architecture at the moment is basically as follows:


    ----[MODEM]----[Netgear router + wifi]-----[16 port switch]----[ {UNRAID}, {MAC}, {PC} {etc}]


    (The ISP modem is in bridge mode)

    So what if i remove the Netgear router and setup pfsense on a VM in the UNRAID server? 


    ----[MODEM]----[UNRAID/PFSENSE]-----[16 port switch]----[ {MAC}, {PC} {etc}]


    (the old netgear wifi router will be added as an access point)

    But... how do i keep IPMI working this way? 

    If the UNRAID server is turned off (over IPMI!)... where does it get an IP address?

  12. I've installed this using the excellent video  i can get into the webui etc, everything seems to work. I gave it an ip address of, and i'm using the cloudflare dns ( / Now, if i change my router's DNS (Netgear WNDR3700) to use, i can't browse to any sites... it just won't work.


    If i return the router to and configure my mac maually so it uses pihole as it's DNS server, i can browse perfectly, and i can see in pihole's query log everything is also logged etc. so it does work... But why won't it work if i configure it on my router?


    I also made the pihole docker a static ip adress in the router.


    What am i missing?

  13. I've installed this using the excellent video :) i can get into the webui etc, everything seems to work. I gave it an ip address of, and i'm using the cloudflare dns ( / Now, if i change my router's DNS (Netgear WNDR3700) to use, i can't browse to any sites... it just won't work.


    If i return the router to and configure my mac maually so it uses pihole as it's DNS server, i can browse perfectly, and i can see in pihole's query log everything is also logged etc. so it does work... But why won't it work if i configure it on my router?


    I did not give pihole a static ip adress IN the router, is that mandatory?

    I had problems doing that; i have to enter the mac address, which is the same as unraid server itself... it won't allow me to do that.


    What am i missing?

  14. Tried it again... now Dropbox thought i deleted all contents and it was removing everything on all my synced devices.... luckily i had a backup...

    Not gonna try this again unless someone makes a good foolproof tutorial on this that actually works. 


    Back to the ext4 usb stick for me.

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