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Everything posted by norbo80

  1. Dear community, I'm looking for an easy way to permamently connect my UNRaid server to AllDebrid WebDAV folder. I found this article: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/13.37/system/davfs2/ but it can be outdated + slackware is too complicated for me. Thank you.
  2. I'm very new with unRAID and just installed unRAID 6.9.2. After testing period I decide to buy the licence and install unRraid on my productive infrastructure (instead of HyperV). I would like to avoid future upgrade to 6.10. Works the 6.10 R2 version well and stable? May I install it wihout any problems or better stay on 6.9.2? Thank You.
  3. Those MBs have an 1151 v2 Sockel. I got Problems with choose the CPU. I would like maschine has iGPU (QuickSync) IPMI, Takt min 2,4 pro Core and min 8 Cores\ 16 Threads Many Thanx!
  4. Hi, I just bough I9-9900 for my homeserver. What options do I have regarding Motherboard? I would like to use IPMI + iGPU
  5. Hi, I'm just istalled my first Unraid. Unfortunately i facing lot of issues: 1. Starting with GUI -no working many "no space left" error 2. Without GUI -started but Docker Service failed to start and Libvirt Service failed to start. Any suggestion will by approciated. Thank you. tower-diagnostics-20200523-1356.zip
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