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Everything posted by dancue

  1. Just wanted to say thank you for getting this to work again. I updated from 6.9.2 and noticed docker folders was not working properly. Thanks!
  2. I had the same issue with orphaned images. Someone mentioned it earlier in this thread and so I turned on "Advanced View" while viewing Dockers and all the way at the bottom it lists them all. I started to delete them one by one and thought there must be a better way to get rid of these all. There is. If you have the user scripts plugin there is a script called "delete_dangling_images." I ran that and it cleared them all. Went from 75% docker image utilization to 37%. The user script also allows you to set it on a schedule to automatically do this cleanup at a set interval. I have it set now to cleanup each month.
  3. Delete unused? As in if it’s not in the array anymore? Most of these are still in the array but because of the new config where I moved them around they populated as a historical device.
  4. One question I hope someone can help me on. After doing this I noticed that several of the drives appeared in the list of historical devices. I noticed that there is an "x" to delete it. I want to make sure that if I do that I won't be ruining anything. I've never really seen this section before and I'm confused what will happen if I hit that x button.
  5. I was curious if I could transfer files from my PC to the unRaid drive using a physical cable (USB or ethernet) instead of mounting network drive on my PC. Is that possible? The goal is the get the fastest transfer rate when moving files over and/or accessing the drive.
  6. Just want to say thank you. I was able to do this process with two parity disks because this thread answered all of my concerns.
  7. Ok. I'll try that. Edit: That worked! Thanks! Looking forward to it auto scaling.
  8. How do I configure the application's width and height?
  9. Ok. Thank you. I don't have much in the way of traffic out of my server but this is good to have in case that changes in the future.
  10. What will that plugin allow me to do? What settings would I turn on or use on it? I'm interested.
  11. Just wanted to add that it took 1 day, 18 hours to rebuild the first 20TB disk. Because my biggest size disk in the array was 14TB before, once it reached 14TB the speed of the rebuild almost doubled. Makes sense. Now onto Parity Disk 2 and then the disabled disk.
  12. Just wanted to reply that this absolutely worked. Thank you guys.
  13. Any way to make it full screen on the page?
  14. Right. I know that now, thanks! Unraid is truly amazing.
  15. Ok. Thank you both for your responses. I will test it out when my parity drives are done rebuilding.
  16. If that's true that makes things so much easier. I thought I read somewhere that with Parity drives that is not the case? I just want to make sure.
  17. I'm currently in the process of replacing a disabled disk and replacing my parity drive for larger drives. In going through this process I realized that the location of my drives physically are not where I would have liked them to be, making it difficult to find the right disabled disk to replace. I went through each disk, removed it, refreshed the screen to find which one said missing and then notated it. I realize that now I have a guide having done that, but ideally I'd like to rearrange the parity drives and reassign the drive numbers for the rest to look like the following: The left is what I currently have. I'd like to physically move Parity 2 to where 18 is and then renumber the rest in the GUI so that it corresponds to the layout on the right. If GUI won't allow me to renumber I am open to physically moving the rest as well. I hope this makes sense. Edit: I realize I won't be able to do any of this until after I've replaced my disabled disk and parity drives. This is me preparing for after that process is complete.
  18. ahh... it wasn't showing up on my list of devices to choose from in the drop down. It is now. Thanks for the quick response!!
  19. Hoping someone can give me a quick answer here. I finally got the 20TB drives and when I plug it in it is in the unassigned devices area with the option to format. When I clicked on it it said I needed to enable destructive mode. Why? Second... after enabling destructive mode I can format, but I don't know what format I should be using. I don't remember having the option to choose. What should I choose?
  20. Great. Thanks for taking the time to explain that.
  21. I’d prefer the array be on. Uptime is important for the websites. But I will ask if anything. Thank you
  22. Right, but what problem told you the disk is not salvageable? Excuse me if that sounds ignorant. I’m genuinely asking.
  23. Thank you. I will consider it. I feel like it would be better to do one at a time, though. I don’t mind the wait.
  24. Yes. Most of it is media that I can redownload. The few websites I have on it I have backed up already.
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