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Everything posted by Mettbrot

  1. Does anyone of the limetech team have insight if this problem is fixed in the 4.9.10 kernel?
  2. Hey, As a heads up: there seems to be a bug in the 4.9 Linux Kernel that can make certain USB devices useless. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=853894 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=222451 https://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=6523.0 For me its the DVB card. dvb-usb: could not stop the USB controller CPU. dvb-usb: error while transferring firmware (transferred size: -11, block size: 3) dvb-usb: firmware download failed at 8 with -22 Rolling back to Kernel 4.8 seems to solve the issue for most people. I am back to 6.2.4 for the time beeing
  3. Automatic Wakeup The whole feature should be handled by the plugin. It calls the script you linked (well, a modified version of it) when tvheadend is stopped. You can see this briefly in the settings window when you click on stop it should tell you the status at the bottom left You may also call the script manually via the console (replace $DATADIR with your tvheadend data directory eg. /mnt/user/Apps/tvheadend leave the quotation marks): /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tvheadend/scripts/tvheadend_wakeup.sh "$DATADIR/dvr/log" After that you can check manually weather a timer has been set by typing cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm into the console. It should show the timestamp of the next wakeup (next recording -5 minutes). If it shows but your server does not wake up its a bios setting you have to enable. Something like RTC wake, wake on ring or something, I have seen a dozen of those options from time to time
  4. I did another update with tvheadend_4.1-2409 and a more intuitive way to wakeup for recordings. (No more workarounds) You may have to disable/enable the plugin to change the setting to yes (if you want the wakeup - its pretty neat ) The server will wake up 5 minutes before the recording. Make sure you don't record to the cache disk if you dont want the server to shut down in the middle of the recording. Once the recording is done, the disk will eventually spin down and the sleep plugin will power down the server. Works like a charm for me! Let me know what you think.
  5. You can change the recording directory under Configuration > Recording
  6. I just pushed an update. Since it will probably take forever till 4.1 will be released I just decided to upgrade to the latest and greatest since there are a lot of fixes in there and other cool stuff! It works great for me so far... let me know what you think. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR USER DATABASE Be aware that there is a settings View Level now in the top right corner. Set it to Expert to see all settings. have fun
  7. Hey there! 4.0.9 is still the most recent stable version of tvheadend... I just recently moved back home so I have my server in operation again. I will most probably look into updating to 4.2 in the next days.
  8. Sounds like a memleak in tvheadend. Sorry, but unRaid isn't exactly the right platform to debug applications I will refresh this addon soon and upgrade to the 4,2 branch which has a ton of improvements, maybe your problems are gone then. In the meantime try different settings, I remember I had crashes when using different container formats for recordings in the past.
  9. Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I had some troubles reproducing the bug since I am not at home currently As a workaround for everyone who is not using the wakeup script: Please fill the text field with the following: /dev/null Please update the plugin to the recent version. and it will finally work again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  10. Sorry for that You have to find the configuration file and change a line in it like I described here: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40704.msg475315#msg475315 I believe you'll only have to do that once. The file is located in your storage directory.
  11. Hey everyone! Please empty the "Script to call on shutdown" field in the configuration page. Set it to /dev/null Update to the recent version! There is an error in the plugin where it gets set to yes. I'll try to resolve that in a future version
  12. You don't need the htsconfig, just a dedicated tvheadend folder is sufficient. Just set an admin username and a password and enable it and it should start
  13. Hey! You could install the card at any time, before you reboot the server with the DVB enabled images the card is simply not recognized. The image to get would be the openelec one. This one is the one with all stock kernel drivers enabled plus openelec specific patches. You can see if your card is supported by the Linux kernel by searching for it here: https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Once you restart with the correct image you should see the card recognized in the tvheadend addon on the left.
  14. Hey! Could you try setting that last line in the config file to SCRIPT="" that should be it. For the next version, I will try to check if the script really exists before executing it
  15. Looking good so far. This is not the config file I meant. There is one in your /flash/config/plugins/tvheadend directory if I remember correctly. Although I don't know how the DVB plugin works and what it does. I would recommend just replacing bzroot and bzimage and installing the original plg from this thread.
  16. Hm. Which unRaid version are you on? This plugin is only testes for the 6.1.x releases. Also, could you post the config file in your tvheadend directory? Maybe something got messed up. Do you have the media build installed? What does it say on the left side of the tvheadend configuration page? All green?
  17. Hey! Since tvheadend 4.2 is supposed to be released soon I held off on the update. It's been some time since the announcement that development has been finished (http://tvheadend.org/news/65) though.. I am definitely planning on releasing a 4.2 version once it's done
  18. I just released an update to version 4.0.9!
  19. No worries Thank you for the quick fix binhex!
  20. After I upgraded today, Teamspeak is not startign anymore. The log is empty, only saying "Exited (127)" Is there anything I can do?
  21. Hey, maybe a stupid question: Where is your template link? I don't want to install the Community Apps plg
  22. If it always was that easy! Thank you!
  23. Thanks, I already had these settings. I used mc to delete the files. One problem remains though: I still have an empty list 'User Shares' on the Shares tab. I can still access the share settings via: http://server/Shares/Share?name=Apps but the list does not show. How can I troubleshoot this?
  24. Hey guys! I updated tvh to 4.0.8 today. Also fixed the loading of the two settings "Show storage memory usage" and "Show data persistency information". I also added a setting where you can put the location for a 'shutdown scipt' which is called right after tvh is stopped. I use this to call an ACPI Wakeup script: http://www.tvheadend.org/projects/tvheadend/wiki/Wakeup Enjoy!
  25. Hey! Since it seems like it got missed can you take a look at my original question please? Your changelog is not clear about this As an additional request: The script should look for the readvz file in the same folder as the actual script is, for people who dont like their /boot/ to be filled
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