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Everything posted by ptmurphy

  1. A couple of other things I have tried... 1. Changed to cache drive to a different SSD. Same problem and still gives the same error at about 26% of the "getting files ready" stage of installation. 2. Re-downloaded the windows 10 ISO file. Get the same error, but at about 78% of the way through the "getting files ready" stage. Any suggestions? I'm out of ideas.
  2. I am trying to create a new Windows 10 VM and cannot get it to work. During the initial installation process, I get the error "Windows cannot install required files. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation. Error code: 0x8007025D" I have tried using just one CPU core for the install. I followed the guide in the documentation and installed all of the drivers (Balloon, NetKVM, vioserial, and viostor - in that order). Also followed the SpaceInvader One guide. Hardware is... - AMD Ryzen 9 3900X (12 core, 24 thread) Processor - Asus AM4 TUF Gaming x570 Plus - 32GB RAM - Not trying to pass through any hardware Nothing special... using the vritIO drivers, Windows 10 ISO from their website. Any suggestions on what could be causing this error? Thanks...
  3. Thank you for the quick reply... I will make the change and see if I can speed up the data transfer!
  4. Quick question that I cannot find the answer to... I am currently copying data from my old Unraid server to my new build. I forgot to turn on Turbo Write (md_write_method = reconstruct write) before I started the copy. Can I change that setting while that copy command is being executed, and if so, will write speeds improve once the next file is copied? Thank you...
  5. Well, you guys talked me into it... I upped the budget a bit, realizing that what I was doing was not really going to be enough to run UNRAID, a Plex server, and a windows VM. Also, I am adding all new disks. Here is what I came up with - AMD Ryzen 9 3900 - 12 Core, 24 Thread - Asus AM4 TUF Gaming x570-Plus Motherboard - Nvidia Video Card (low end) for the VM - 32 GB RAM - New Power Supply - 3 8TB Drives - 1 for parity, 2 for data (this takes my storage capacity from 10TB to 16TB, and plenty of room to add new disks) - 1TB SSD for Cache and VM image Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and making me spend more mone! 🙂
  6. I know this post is a few weeks old, but I am guessing there are connectors on your motherboard that are not hooked up to any ports - like to ports on the front of the case. My motherboard has a controller for the ports on the panel on the back of the motherboard, but two other controllers that have to be hooked up to other ports - one is USB 3, the other USB 2, in my case.
  7. I think you guys might be talking me into a more complete build to better handle the VM and Plex Encoding, as well as more storage space with faster drives!
  8. Dang it! Everything always gets more expensive that I counted on! LOL. Good advice, I appreciate it.
  9. Thanks for the recommendations. Right now the array is based on 2TB hard drives (didn't start out with those in 2012) - a combination of Samsung, Western Digital, and Toshiba drives. I have a total of 5 array drives, so a 10TB capacity altogether. I wasn't planning on getting new drives at this point, since 10TB is meeting my needs, but now you have me thinking! I will probably go ahead and upgrade the PSU.
  10. I am in the planning phase of upgrading my UNRAID Server. Hard to believe but I got to looking and the current server was built in July of 2012! It has served me well, but I want to built a new server for a few reasons... 1. I would like to add a Windows 10 VM - This would be for basic use and occasional video editing that I do for my wife's YouTube channel 2. I use the current system for a Plex server, but given that it's a 2012 CPU (AMD Athlon II X2 260), there is really no transcoding or multiple streams going on! I want the server to be able to handle 2-3 streams at a time. 3. I figure 8+ years is pushing it on the hardware. A few questions for the group... 1. My current system is ReiserFS, which was the only option when I built the server. I have enough storage to back everything up outside of the array, so should I just reformat all the drives as XFS and start from scratch, copying everything from the backups when done? 2. I was planning on an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and an ASUS AMD TUF X570 Plus as the motherboard. Does this seem adequate for what I am wanting to do? 3. I like the case I have, and have a decent 650W power supply (Rosewill Hive Series 650W Modular Gaming 80 Pluse Bronze)) that is in my old system, but would you be worried about the age and go ahead and replace it? Thanks or any help and guidance!
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. I will plan on getting it replaced. Thanks for the tip on where to find the extended SMART test... not sure how I missed that before!
  12. Given the SMART report on the cache drive in my system, I presume I should replace this disk ASAP (or sooner)? The attached diagnostics includes the SMAET report for all drives, but the cache is the concerning one. Also, I have read in this forum that in order to stress a drive and see if there are critical errors to run an "extended SMART" report. How do I do that? Do I do that from within in UNRAID, or is that a separate tool? unraid-diagnostics-20210205-1122.zip
  13. Sounds like if you have the cloud backup and your workflow down, unRAID would be a good local backup and working storage location for less-frequently used files.
  14. Here is the link to the Photography case study that I mentioned in my previous post... https://lime-technology.com/limetech-customer-spotlight-how-a-photography-business-uses-unraid/
  15. I think it can be part of the solution. Don't make the mistake of thinking that an unRAID server is the only place the photographs should be stored. In my opinion, EVERYTHING should be stored in two locations at all times. And in a critical situation like wedding photographs, one backup should be at an off-site location (think what would happen if you had a total loss fire at your house/business). One of the case studies I have seen somewhere on the lime-technology site is about a photographer and he used unRAID as part of his overall solution. To answer your question, yes you can setup you unRAID server to basically look like one big external (network mapped) drive.
  16. Just to add my experience in case someone else is still having troubles... I upgraded to 6.3.2 today and had similar problems to others in the past. I ran the script and the USB stick would not boot. Said the Linux Kernel was missing. Here are the steps I had to take to fix it... 1. I took the USB stick out and put it into a Windows Machine. 2. Downloaded the latest version of unRAID from the website (6.3.2) 3. Tried to copoy copy the syslinux folder from the download to the USB stick, which failed 4. The USB stick had what appeared to be a file called syslinux on it already, so it would not copy the syslinux directory to the USB stick, so deleted that file on the USB stick 5. Successfully copied the downloaded syslinux directory to the USB stick 6. Ran make_bootable.bat from the root of the USB stick 7. Let it compete and safely "remove hardware" and eject the USB stick. 8. Put the USB stick back into the unRAID server and booted up. From that point on, everything worked fine. Thanks for the help from the previous posters in this thread.
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