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Posts posted by MrLinux

  1. 13 minutes ago, MrLinux said:

    Same here. Not sure what is needed to fix this. Do we need to add the username/password as a new field in the docker container settings?

    Found this solution 




    So irritating. Luckily changing radarr's config.xml entry from <AuthenticationMethod>None</AuthenticationMethod> to <AuthenticationMethod>External</AuthenticationMethod> removes this message.


  2. On 11/7/2023 at 8:21 AM, Silverhand77 said:

    Hi All,

    I just updated to the latest version of Radarr & when I refreshed the web UI I got the following pop-up:


    Regardless of what I enter, when I click save, nothing happens.


    I have changed the config file as per the below:


     but the pop-up still won't go away so I can't access Radarr.


    Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks & kind regards :)

    Same here. Not sure what is needed to fix this. Do we need to add the username/password as a new field in the docker container settings?

  3. Hi,


    I received this alert from Fix Common Problems



    When running mcelog, I get this error

    root@unraid:~# mcelog
    mcelog: ERROR: AMD Processor family 23: mcelog does not support this processor.  Please use the edac_mce_amd module instead.
    CPU is unsupported

    From another thread, this may be expected behavior since it's just warning us it's not an Intel CPU.


    Is it safe to ignore these errors or is there an actual issue?




  4. On 9/29/2020 at 12:12 PM, Squid said:

    The message from mcelog isn't as bad as it seems.  The edac_mce_amd module has been included in Unraid for a while now.  Effectively what the message means is that mcelog is telling you that that Intel driver doesn't work with your processor.  The AMD driver is getting used instead.  (At least that's what my googling found a week or 2 ago)

    What are we supposed to do when we get this error message?


    I see that the module is included

    root@unraid:~# lsmod | grep mce
    edac_mce_amd           32768  0

    Does this mean we don't need to manually run anything and just provide our diag file?

  5. 3 hours ago, APD189 said:

    Thanks for the info...I just left mine alone since I figured that I wouldn't need to get the WebGUI from the UnRaid console all the time.  I can just input the url (or in my case, the DNS entry I created) in a new tab an I'm fine.

    What did you do to get your binhex-plex docker registered with your Plex account? Whenever I would login to plex by going directly to http://ip:32400/, it would tell me to download/install the Plex Server instead of showing/connecting to the docker's Plex Server.


    I've tried to

    1. Manually expose all the port (run command parameters: -p 32400:32400 -p 1900:1900/udp -p 3005:3005/udp -p 5353:535/udp -p 8324:8324 -p 32410:32410 -p 32412:32412/udp -p 32414:32414/udp -p 3246:3246)
    2. Restart the docker several times
    3. Checked NAT settings in my pfSense router
    4. Blow away the docker and appdata config and reinstall
    5. Troubleshooting the script and docker files

    None of it worked until I just tried to use another container distro of Plex.


    FWIW, it was also showing me serverUui errors when using bridge mode.

    Error in command line:the argument for option '--serverUuid' should follow immediately after the equal sign


  6. I ended up getting it working by moving over to another Plex Docker release (plexinc Plex Media Server).

    1. Assign the claim variable
    2. Set the bridge and static ip (br0.255 in my case)


    Some extra steps may be needed before it works

    1. Logout of plex first
    2. Restarted the container a few times
    3. Double check the NAT rule (pfSense)
    4. After logging in again, it should show you the Plex Server setup screen instead of a client without a source (your Docker's Plex Server)
  7. On 3/26/2020 at 2:50 PM, APD189 said:




    I'm currently using custom br0 so that i can assign it a different IP address in that same subnet.  Is that why I'm not seeing anything there?  Plex is working fine (all ports seem to be open) and I can access the site by manually typing it into the web browser...just wanted another way to get to the WebGUI.

    Did you ever get this working? I'd like put Plex in a vlan as well. It's only working when set to host mode.

  8. TL:DR I'm finding a hard time finding my config/mapping issues to show that a 20GB of used docker.img is unreasonable with 29 containers. BTW, it seems many of my syslog errors went away after disabling daily plugin checks and disable/re-enable ipmi. I've since re-enabled daily plugin checks and the errors have not come back. I read it could have been related to being unable to connect to github if it had an outage or some other routing issues.


    Checked what is using up the 5.88GB in the container, but see it's only using up 3.6GB instead. Where is the other ~2.2GB coming from? I see "Writable" is roughly this size of ~2.2GB.




    Where is this 2.2GB coming from? The only location that's big enough to be considered in the local filesystem is in /home, as there are no other directories large enough to account for the 2.2GB.

    sh-5.0# find / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  \! -exec mountpoint -q {} \; -exec du -xshc {} + | sort -h
    0	/boot
    0	/mnt
    0	/opt
    0	/run
    0	/srv
    4.0K	/.gnupg
    12K	/root
    24K	/tmp
    8.1M	/etc
    14M	/var
    1.5G	/usr
    2.2G	/home # <----------------------
    3.6G	total


    Inside home is just a user called nobody. The files in here do not appear to be user-created files from the application. 

    sh-5.0# cd /home
    sh-5.0# ls -la
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root   12 Sep  2 01:12 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root  206 Nov 29 04:06 ..
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 130 Nov 29 04:08 nobody
    sh-5.0# cd nobody/
    sh-5.0# ls -la
    total 8
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 130 Nov 29 04:08 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root   12 Sep  2 01:12 ..
    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  38 Nov 29 04:06 .aspnet
    -rw------- 1 root   root  581 Nov 29 04:23 .bash_history
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  34 Sep  5 11:32 .cache
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users   6 Sep  5 11:29 .config
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 220 Sep  5 11:35 .dotnet
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  10 Sep  5 11:36 .local
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  26 Sep  5 11:36 .nuget
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 467 Sep  5 11:28 start.sh
    drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users   6 Sep  5 11:32 .yarn
    sh-5.0# find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d  \! -exec mountpoint -q {} \; -exec du -xshc {} + | sort -h
    0	./.yarn
    4.0K	./.aspnet
    4.0K	./.config
    12K	./.dotnet
    254M	./.local
    639M	./.cache
    1.3G	./.nuget
    2.2G	total


    Using mountpoint, I found that /config is actually a mountpoint, even though it doesn't appear as one using df.

    sh-5.0# mountpoint /config
    /config is a mountpoint
    sh-5.0# mountpoint /media
    /media is a mountpoint
    sh-5.0# mountpoint /home
    /home is not a mountpoint
    sh-5.0# mountpoint /usr
    /usr is not a mountpoint


  9. Command:
    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-jellyfin' --net='br0.255' --ip='' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TCP_PORT_8096'='8096' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -v '/mnt/user/Media/':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-jellyfin/':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-jellyfin'
    The command finished successfully!




    I tested if the container's /config is really mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-jellyfin. The test below shows that it is mapped, even though /config is not seen as a mountpoint in the container (df -hP). 


    Thanks for the help.

  10. In the Docker, /config doesn't appear to be a separate volume, but is pointing to appdata in /mnt/user/appdata/. Is this expected? 


    sh-5.0# root@unraid:/mnt/user/appdata# docker_it binhex-jellyfin
    sh-5.0# df -hP
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/loop2       50G   21G   30G  41% /
    tmpfs            64M     0   64M   0% /dev
    tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    shm              64M     0   64M   0% /dev/shm
    shfs             31T   16T   16T  51% /media
    /dev/loop2       50G   21G   30G  41% /etc/hosts
    tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /proc/acpi
    tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /sys/firmware
    sh-5.0# cd /
    sh-5.0# du -shxc ./*
    4.0K	./bin
    0	./boot
    4.7G	./config
    0	./dev
    8.1M	./etc
    2.2G	./home
    4.0K	./lib
    4.0K	./lib64
    10T	./media
    0	./mnt
    0	./opt
    du: cannot read directory './proc/68/map_files': Permission denied
    du: cannot read directory './proc/70/map_files': Permission denied
    du: cannot access './proc/4247/task/4247/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access './proc/4247/task/4247/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access './proc/4247/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access './proc/4247/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    0	./proc
    12K	./root
    0	./run
    4.0K	./sbin
    0	./srv
    4.0K	./supervisord.pid
    0	./sys
    888K	./tmp
    1.5G	./usr
    14M	./var
    10T	total

    Note: docker_it is just my alias to quickly login the docker


    Does this seem reasonable?


  11. Thanks for the suggestion, but I've tried deleting the docker image file and re-installing (see #2 of things I've tried already).

    That being said, 20G does seem a bit much. Where can I go find which Docker is eating up all the space?


    Going into /var/lib/docker didn't seem to help much as it's showing not much space is being taken up at all

    root@unraid:/var/lib/docker# du -shx *
    0	btrfs
    16K	builder
    56K	buildkit
    1.1M	containerd
    131M	containers
    45M	image
    148K	network
    0	plugins
    0	runtimes
    0	swarm
    0	tmp
    0	trust
    964K	unraid
    4.0K	unraid-autostart
    8.0K	unraid-update-status.json
    14M	volumes

    While `df` is showing /var/lib/docker/ is taking up 20GB

    root@unraid:/var/lib/docker# df -hP
    Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    rootfs                  16G  988M   15G   7% /
    devtmpfs                16G     0   16G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                   16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
    cgroup_root            8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                  384M  2.1M  382M   1% /var/log
    /dev/sda1               30G  294M   30G   1% /boot
    /dev/loop0             9.4M  9.4M     0 100% /lib/modules
    /dev/loop1             8.5M  8.5M     0 100% /lib/firmware
    tmpfs                  1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks
    /dev/mapper/md1        3.7T  931G  2.8T  25% /mnt/disk1
    /dev/mapper/md2         11T  6.5T  4.5T  60% /mnt/disk2
    /dev/mapper/md3        9.1T  8.3T  846G  91% /mnt/disk3
    /dev/mapper/md4        3.7T   26G  3.7T   1% /mnt/disk4
    /dev/mapper/md5        3.7T   26G  3.7T   1% /mnt/disk5
    /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p1  932G  422G  509G  46% /mnt/cache
    shfs                    31T   16T   16T  51% /mnt/user0
    shfs                    31T   16T   16T  51% /mnt/user
    /dev/loop2              50G   20G   31G  39% /var/lib/docker
    /dev/loop3             1.0G  4.0M  905M   1% /etc/libvirt


  12. Hi, for some reason my /var/log/docker.log.1 keeps getting filled up.


    root@unraid:/var/log# tail docker.log.1
    time="2020-11-24T07:52:02.278261235-08:00" level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger json-file: write /var/lib/docker/containers/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207-json.log: read-only file system"
    time="2020-11-24T07:52:02.278277104-08:00" level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger json-file: write /var/lib/docker/containers/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207-json.log: read-only file system"
    time="2020-11-24T07:52:02.278290524-08:00" level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger json-file: write /var/lib/docker/containers/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207/7cc59575b280c9b47d562787e36b753ffdbfeba1f3c686e75886dd18280ae207-json.log: read-only file system"

    Things I've tried to do:

    1. A few restarts
    2. Stop Docker service > Delete docker image file > Start docker service > reinstall dockers
    3. Increased /var/log in my go file from 128MB to 384MB


    I can't really think of anything that would have caused this. At first, I thought it was because my cache pool was getting full but I've already addressed the docker that was causing it to fill up. This last time my cache pool has plenty of space (>500GB).


    root@unraid:/mnt/cache# df -hP
    Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    rootfs                  16G 1022M   15G   7% /
    devtmpfs                16G     0   16G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                   16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
    cgroup_root            8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                  384M  384M     0 100% /var/log
    /dev/sda1               30G  294M   30G   1% /boot
    /dev/loop0             9.4M  9.4M     0 100% /lib/modules
    /dev/loop1             8.5M  8.5M     0 100% /lib/firmware
    tmpfs                  1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks
    /dev/mapper/md1        3.7T  931G  2.8T  25% /mnt/disk1
    /dev/mapper/md2         11T  6.5T  4.5T  60% /mnt/disk2
    /dev/mapper/md3        9.1T  8.3T  846G  91% /mnt/disk3
    /dev/mapper/md4        3.7T   26G  3.7T   1% /mnt/disk4
    /dev/mapper/md5        3.7T   26G  3.7T   1% /mnt/disk5
    /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p1  932G  387G  544G  42% /mnt/cache
    shfs                    31T   16T   16T  51% /mnt/user0
    shfs                    31T   16T   16T  51% /mnt/user
    /dev/loop3             1.0G  4.0M  905M   1% /etc/libvirt
    /dev/loop2              50G   20G   31G  40% /var/lib/docker


    root@unraid:/var/log# ls -lSshr | tail -5
    4.0K -rw-rw-rw- 1 root   root 1.3K Nov 23 00:42 vfio-pci
    8.0K -rw-rw-r-- 1 root   utmp 7.9K Nov 25 10:58 wtmp
     64K -rw-rw-rw- 1 root   root  64K Nov 23 00:42 dmesg
    720K -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root 720K Nov 25 10:58 syslog
    384M -rw-rw-rw- 1 root   root 384M Nov 24 13:14 docker.log.1


    Thanks for the help!


    Solution / TL;DR

    This could have been a combination of a few issues (in my use case, though many of these shouldn't be related to each other)

    1. docker.img corrupted (most probable reason for the log file getting filled up with read-only errors)
      1. Stop the docker service
      2. delete /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img
      3. Start the docker service
      4. re-install docker containers
    2. IPMI Plugin issues
      1. Stopped this for a while to see the ipmi errors in syslog go away
      2. I've since re-enabled this so I can get networks stats back (I'll move to influx/grafana at some point)
    3. Github connectivity issues
      1. I've read that loading the plugins page can be affected if github is inaccessible. 
      2. To work around this, disable checking for plugins in Settings > Notification Settings > Plugins update (Disabled)
      3. There may have been another location but don't remember.
    4. I've also updated from v6.9.0b25 to v6.9.0b35


  13. Fix Common Problems is reporting a hardware issue and Your server has detected hardware errors.

    You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged




    I tried to run mcelog but got this error


    root@unraid:~# mcelog

    mcelog: ERROR: AMD Processor family 23: mcelog does not support this processor.  Please use the edac_mce_amd module instead.

    CPU is unsupported


    I've been attempting to pass thru my primary GPU (RX 580 Nitro+ 8GB) and the Hackintosh has been crashing the server resulting in a few hard resets. Not sure if this is related.



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