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Posts posted by binhex

  1. 13 hours ago, Knom said:

    If a new version is compiled with an updated unrar is there any chance of getting 7zip updated too if a new version is available? Whenever I get stalls in unpacking this is often on the top of my Messages tab.




    I might be pointless but if you're updating one unpacker then might as well do the other too.


    On 11/14/2023 at 1:29 PM, JonathanM said:

    binhex, if you are in the mood to play, could you try compiling and including the latest unrar? Maybe this ng version already includes it, I don't know.

    this is an interesting read https://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?t=23923, this is the conclusion the sabnzbd dev comes to, so looks like a possible bug in unrar :-https://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?p=118851#p118851

  2. 11 hours ago, JonathanM said:

    Restarting the container always seems to fix it, without any data loss, so some have been using scripts to blindly restart the container periodically.

    i guess i MIGHT be able to detect a stall condition and then kill all processes in the container thus forcing the container to stop, if you had it set to auto restart then it would then start back up and unpack the stalled queued item, worth investigating?

  3. 2 hours ago, mhertz said:

    The really strange approach of '-d &' to deluged, in addition to ' -d' on deluge-web(latter making sense though), is what actually fixes dumb-init issue. Shutdown.sh readded might be better dunno, but you know best obviously.

    OK been playing with this, so to review your findings and mine, the issue is two-fold:-


    1. deluged and deluge-web fork (default action), and thus dumb-init sigterm never reaches deluged or deluge-web as they are not child processes of the script.

    2. dumb-init does not wait for processes to exit after the process is sent sigterm.


    To fix 1. we simply prevent deluged and deluge-web from running daemonised (but we do background deluged), this then ensures the process is run as a child process of the script and thus gets sent sigterm - see https://github.com/binhex/arch-deluge/commit/8117d7e6286d41f2de6a3a3f35004367b3a432ef

    To fix 2. i have to create a script which traps sigterm and then waits for all child processes to exit - see https://github.com/binhex/scripts/blob/master/shell/arch/docker/waitproc.sh


    Once these two are in place then you can tick and untick plugins and this state is saved, i havent looked at torrent states so i will leave that up to you guys, but it should also fix this.


    To test please pull down the image with tag name 'wait-proc' please let me know if it works as i will need to merge into master/main if its good - note this is JUST for arch-deluge so far, so arch-delugevpn does NOT have this tag.

  4. 1 hour ago, ambipro said:

    The addition of -v on the info command makes it functional.

    Thanks to you both @mhertz @ambipro -  included the -v flag for info in the image, this will get included in the next image build.


    In the meantime i shall take a look at dumb-init again and see what is going on, quite disappointed its not working as intended, process management and zombie reaping are a PITA in docker :-(.

  5. On 11/6/2023 at 11:07 PM, JonathanM said:

    No unpack issues, just constant upgrade reminders.

    updates now switched off in the latest image, please pull at your convenience.


    btw i did take a look at the tagged version for nzbget-ng but they are in a poor state and do not compile at present, so we are stuck on develop branch until the dev produces 'releases'.


    p.s. still no unpacking issues?

  6. 19 minutes ago, dReDone said:


    Sorry didn't realize I hadn't changed it back. Originally it was set to

    I reset LAN_NETWORK and here's a fresh supervisord.log

    supervisord.log 45.62 kB · 0 downloads

    OK i see your issue, you have given the container a set ip address, this then causes a clash as the docker network and the lan are then the same, from your log:-

    2023-11-08 06:32:02,593 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Docker IP defined as
    2023-11-08 06:32:02,599 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Docker netmask defined as
    2023-11-08 06:32:02,935 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Docker network defined as

    the fix is either to setup another docker network separate to your lan and use that, or simply switch it back to 'bridge'.

  7. 25 minutes ago, dReDone said:

    I've had DelugeVPN with NordVPN on Unraid running fine for quite some time but since I changed residence (and internet provider) it hasn't been working. When on VPN I cannot connect to Deluge and the browser request times out. Without VPN on it works fine. Looking through this thread I've seen quite a few solutions.

    The main issue I've seen which is pinned to the top of this thread is people are using e-mail/password in credentials.conf but I've never used these and always used the user name/password credentials from the suggested solution from my NordVPN Manual setup page.


    I saw another person who had some weird IP/Subnet settings but that didn't seem to fix anything either. My old subnet was and the new router has a subnet of My internal IP is for my deluge and I don't think there is any problem there but I'm not the greatest at understanding subnet issues.


    Hopefully someone can help because I keep seeing super similar issues but it ends up not being the issue! Attached the log that is usually requested.

    supervisord.log 40.75 kB · 0 downloads

    that's a successful start but i see you have overlapping networks defined, from your log:-

    LAN_NETWORK defined as ','

    change this to be:-

    LAN_NETWORK defined as ''


  8. 46 minutes ago, isvein said:

    I used 10.8.10 due to an bug in 10.8.11 but now that 10.8.12 is out it wont update to other than 10.8.11 even if I change the tag to :latest or to :10.8.12-1-01

    I have corrected this, please pull down the latest image, i have confirmed it is now running 10.8.12

    • Thanks 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

    Here is what I get if I have CertCheck turned on.


    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:10000080:BIO routines::no such file

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:FFFFFFFF80000002:system library::No such file or directory

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:10000080:BIO routines::no such file

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:10000080:BIO routines::no such file

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:FFFFFFFF80000002:system library::No such file or directory

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:10000080:BIO routines::no such file

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:FFFFFFFF80000002:system library::No such file or directory

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    ERRORTue Nov 07 2023 04:32:20Could not set certificate store location: error:05880002:x509 certificate routines::system lib

    a new image has been produced which should sort out the cert issue for you, please pull down latest and let me know.

  10. 2 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

    When I updated it would not download anything unless I change cert check to no under Security in the settings. I would get an abundance of TLS cert errors. The ideal fix was to pull a new pem file from nzbget.

    can you give me details as to the error message, i can then post an issue with the developer of nzbget-ng and get a real fix in place, copying pem files around sounds just plain nasty.

  11. 7 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

    which resolves a tls connection error.

    have you confirmed this is still an issue with this image, the fix may not be relevant any more.


    7 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

    However the path is no longer vaild to remove the old pem file

    i have confirmed there are no pem files in the image, so nothing to remove.

  12. 3 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

    I constantly get stuff stuck on unpacking on mine, even with the new update.

    hmm that's a bit sad 😞


    4 minutes ago, blackbullitt said:

     in order to fix that issue.

    what issue? the unpack issue?, this won't be fixed by updating a cert.



  13. 1 minute ago, JonathanM said:

    Knock on wood, but I've yet to experience the unpacking hang with this version, with a couple dozen downloads completed.

    Well that IS good news!, I was hopeful it might fix this as we are now compiling from source as opposed to using the pre-compiled 'app', awesome!.

  14. 8 hours ago, JonathanM said:


    Loaded, theoretically what would happen if I updated inside the app?

    Well in nzbget-ng current state, probably nothing as the download would then need compiling, you would also be performing a rather large downgrade not an upgrade, note the dates:-


    As you probably are aware i prefer stable releases over new shiny, but in this case we have to go bleeding edge (develop branch - the only branch!) as there are no latest releases, so you are literally running THE latest code available, if releases start to happen on a regular basis then i will switch over to release.


    I am going to merge this change into main and push out a new image so feel free to target 'latest' again in around 40 mins from this post.

  15. 40 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    Done. If you are a linux desktop user kdiff3 is very interesting to compare old and new.

    nope, sadly im not using a linux desktop, remote to linux vm's sucks donkeys balls ( i tried several distros and several remote servers, they all are clunky), so im stuck on a windows vm for my dev work for now - beyondcompare is the king for diffing on windows, at least in my opinion it is 🙂


    OK new image for you to test (cheers for the config file), please pull down same tagged name again, this one should now correctly fix up your config file, let me know the outcome.

  16. 3 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    kdiffing the old and new files revealed a BUNCH of changes, hopefully none of my other legacy settings comes back to bite me.

    hopefully not!, i think i have a fix for the transition issue you had, im hoping you have a copy of the old config before you fixed it up so you can give the fix a go.

  17. 59 minutes ago, binhex said:

    i used an existing config file

    sorry i lied!, when i was testing it was creating a brand new config file, so yeah looks like the issue you are having is around transitioning from an existing config file with the old locations of nzbget to the new locations of nzbget-ng, taking a look now....

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