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Posts posted by binhex

  1. 10 hours ago, Corneloues said:


    Run a Soulseek client over the VPN

    I see, so you do need a working incoming port, that is going to be tricky, as i mentioned the port is dynamic for pia (other vpn providers permit static incoming port), so even if you find out what the port is you would then need a programmatic way of configuring soulseek to use it, otherwise you would need to manually reconfigure soulseek each time the port changes.

    so is it possible?, yes but its going to require some work on your part to configure soulseek.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Corneloues said:


    Yes, and this is what I have configured. But one of my containers needs a port open to the outside world.


    So I'm trying to use a PIA port to do that.


    Can that be done?

    The PIA incoming port is dynamic so every time you restart the container or the vpn drops and re-establishes you may have a new port number, what is it you are trying to achieve?, access a web ui of a container externally?

  3. 40 minutes ago, humble-relocation2501 said:

    so here is the answer from deluge dev team


    A quote from the reply:-


    Anyway, hope helps with binding to interface name instead.

    Already done, it is bound to the vpn interface, and we also specify the vpn adapters ip for incoming, so yeah not much else i can do here unless im missing a setting in the ui.


    from my previous post:-


    detail that you have the vpn provider adapter bound in deluge for 'outgoing interface' and the ip address of the vpn adapter defined for 'incoming address' yet the external ip address shown is your isp ip address and see what they say.

    i see you included this in your post, ok he does go on about setting the incoming adapter but there is no way to do that, you can only set the incoming address, and if you try and force this by editing the core.conf it simply errors, so i dont know how to achieve this, it must be some hackery of libtorrent probably via itconfig i assume.

  4. 11 hours ago, humble-relocation2501 said:

    so I added a torrent and started downloading and then I could see how right away the ip changed to my ip.

    but in whatsmyip it show the vpn ip.

    do you need I add other logs?

    If this is repeatable (which by the sound of the above it is), then restart the container, wait for the issue to occur and then docker exec inside the container and issue the following command which will reveal your external ip, it should be your vpn provider assigned ip:-

    curl http://ifconfig.co

    if it is your vpn provider ip then raise a bug with deluge, detail that you have the vpn provider adapter bound in deluge for 'outgoing interface' and the ip address of the vpn adapter defined for 'incoming address' yet the external ip address shown is your isp ip address and see what they say.

  5. 1 hour ago, humble-relocation2501 said:

    yes web ui ip at the bottom changes to my real ip, like you see in the other screenshots.

    But ip in whatismyip.net is the vpn ip.

    This must be a bug with how deluge detects your external ip address, it is clearly bound to the vpn adapter (as shown in your last screenshot - wg0) and it is advertising your vpn ip, as shown by whatismyip.net, on top of this there are strict ip table rules in place to prevent ip laakage, so there is no way for deluge to connect to peers via your isp connection.

    FYI i cannot replicate the bug on my system, are you running the latest image?.

  6. 7 hours ago, humble-relocation2501 said:

    so I added a torrent and started downloading and then I could see how right away the ip changed to my ip.

    but in whatsmyip it show the vpn ip.

    do you need I add other logs?

    can you also post a screenshot of deluge web ui preferences/network

  7. On 10/29/2023 at 10:17 PM, Corneloues said:

    I'm looking to route other containers through this one, but confused by the definitions of VPN_INPUT_PORTS and VPN_OUTPUT_PORTS...

    see here for the keys above:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/guides/vpn.md


    On 10/29/2023 at 10:17 PM, Corneloues said:

    If I connect to PIA on the desktop to Berlin, I get a port back consistently, so assume this would be the same port I get when connecting via delugevpn.

    No, the port you are seeing is a temporary incoming port assigned to that particular session, the other thing to note is that VPN_INPUT_PORT is NOT to be configured as an incoming ports for torrent clients, this can lead to ip leakages, see note in link above.


     I think what you are trying to achieve is covered in Q24:-https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

  8. 6 hours ago, Beardiful said:

    Do you use Cloudflare?  If no what do you use. 

    No cloudflare at all, i simply use a port forward for the few apps that need exposing for people outside of my family, as in Plex and Minecraft and then everything else is accessible via wireguard running on my pfsense router.


    I think as long as you have regular backups of your world and force microsoft authentication then the risks are low, i have never had a griefer or hacker attack my server to date, you could employ 'wihte-list' of players so that only set accounts can connect for added security.

  9. 13 minutes ago, badirontree said:

    What is the faster way to purge all setting and files from the server ? 

    im assuming you are talking about urbackup here not unraid, in that case you would:-


    1. stop the urbackup container

    2. delete all backup data stored on unraid

    3. delete all files and folders located in the /config folder for this container

    4. start container and reconfigure

  10. 4 minutes ago, badirontree said:
    All your files have been encrypted with 0XXX Virus.
    Your unique id: 2DE6A896046849E09DB547C7A2A25307
    You can buy decryption for 2500$USD in Bitcoins.

    OK so you have had your server hacked and are being held ransom (ransomware) for decryption, this is a bigger issue!, please firstly identify the cause of the server being hacked and fix it, then consider your next move.

  11. 36 minutes ago, badirontree said:

    I had to delete some backups  manually 

    This is a terrible idea, i'm just highlighting this for the next person, please do NOT do this, there is a Web UI for urbackup for a reason, please delete images and backups using the UI, otherwise urbackup will be unaware of your manual deletion.


    36 minutes ago, badirontree said:
    ERROR: Couldn't open backup server database. Exiting. Expecting database at "/var/urbackup/backup_server_files.db"

    This is the wrong path, the urbackup databases are located at /config/urbackup/

    TBH i would recommend you try asking for help on the urbackup forum, they should be able to guide you on the best way to fix this.

    • Like 1
  12. On 10/28/2023 at 5:53 PM, left-handed-welcome6439 said:

    Is there any way to reach / expose the bedrock edition launch script? it looks like just came out, and I attempted to update via just tossing the server files into the appropriate appdata folder, but I think the server launch is overwriting it possibly? i guess related, is there a variable that can be exposed to have it target a specific release version on bedrock? so you wouldn't have to update the container each release - users could update the variable to latest / etc.

    you can see the versions as tags for the images, you can see the ful list of images here:- https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated


    if you want to use a specific version then append 

    :<tag version>

    to the repository for the container.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Axelfony said:

    But this does not happen now, he is somehow stuck at: 

    Ha yes you are quite right, it does appear that qbittorrent process has not started, the config of the port was fooling me here, OK so most probably a config related issue, you could try restoring your config from a backup from when it was working, or simply let qbittorrent re-create the default, if you want to do this then simply rename the file /config/qbittorrent/config/qBittorrent.conf and then restart the container to re-generate the file, you will then need to reconfigure again of course but i expect it will get you access again.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Axelfony said:

    I just compared to when it was working and it seems it is an issue with the port forwarding configuration?

    nope, nothing wrong with port forwarding according to your latest attached log, that is working as expected.

    11 minutes ago, Axelfony said:

    With VPN Port being different than qBittorrent incoming port 6881?

    Incoming port is not defined at the container level, it is defined by your VPN provider, port 6881 is included as a incoming port if you do NOT use the VPN part of the image, i.e. VPN_ENABLED = no, which is not the case for you.


    What is the IP address of the machine running the web browser that you are using to attempt connection to the web ui? is it 192.168.178.xxx ?

  15. 8 hours ago, gray-pouch1731 said:

    Hi Binhex and friends!

    I'm stumped, not sure where to go from here. My container was running perfectly (for at least a few months), but all of a sudden stopped uploading and downloading. I suspect it has something to do with these lines in my supervisord.log but I'm not totally sure:


    2023-10-23 20:06:01,252 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
    could not detect a useable init system
    Afterwards I see several "Operation not permitted" errors.
    2023-10-23 20:28:37,682 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] DNS failure, creating file '/tmp/dnsfailure' to indicate failure...
    2023-10-23 20:28:37,687 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stderr output:
    touch: cannot touch '/tmp/dnsfailure': Permission denied
    2023-10-23 20:28:37,688 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stderr output:
    chmod: changing permissions of '/tmp/dnsfailure': Operation not permitted
     2023-10-23 20:28:37,705 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to get external IP using 'http://checkip.amazonaws.com'...
    2023-10-23 20:28:47,992 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Failed on last attempt, attempting to get external IP using 'http://whatismyip.akamai.com'...

    Any idea what might be happening?

    Here is my supervisord.log file in case that helps- if this isn't something I should be posting to the internet please let me know so I can remove it hehe.

    supervisord.log 2.23 MB · 1 download

    looks like permissions related issue, from your snippet above:-

    cannot touch '/tmp/dnsfailure': Permission denied


    from your supervisord log i think you have dns set to an internal name server which results in name lookup failure:-


    set NAME_SERVERS to the default values:- 



  16. And he's even in the official LT uniform!
    See this is why I know I will never work for LT I simply don't own one of these shirts [emoji16]...... Unless you give them out for free when joining?

    Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk

    • Haha 2
  17. My wish list (voted other), in no particular order:-

    1. Native Docker Compose support and incorporate new functionality into the Web UI.
    2. Create mobile friendly Web UI.
    3. Create official API so that third party apps can link and control unRAID (Android/IOS app).
    • Upvote 4
  18. 6 hours ago, feroxy said:

    I'm experiencing extremely slow network transfers when using urbackup, maxing out at about 25-30Mbps (often less) over a gigabit lan connection. I've posted about this on the urbackup community too - no answers as yet but it's really limiting the usefulness of this as a backup solution.

    I don't think it is an issue with my network, as in an attempt to narrow it down, I've tested a couple of other backup dockers (Kopia for one) and those max out the network just fine while writing to the same disk/share,. Plus things used to work fine so not sure what has changed... Curious if anyone else is finding this to be the case? 

    Im also on Gigabit and I run this docker image myself, latest backup stats for me reveal:-
    Writing new file list...
    All metadata was present
    Transferred 760.776 MB - Average speed: 36.7041 MBit/s


    So yeah, not lightning fast, but that is probably more to do with the speed of the Windows filesystem and the fact it has to scan and backup lots of little files (not something Windows is particularly good at), i would suspect if i was backing up large files my speeds would be significantly higher.

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