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Everything posted by aasberry

  1. Sorry to revive this old post. I am having this same problem as I use a USB switch/hub to change between my work laptop and unraid machine. Ideally I would keep using this switch as it worked fine on my previous motherboard's passed through controller but not on this startech PCIE usb 3 card. Anyone know how to get this working?
  2. I originally started testing Unraid before I was really ready to buy new drives and configure properly. So I ended up with a mishmash of drives. My current array looks like this: Array: 1TB HDD - Parity 500GB SSD I am about to upgrade my hardware and the array will look like this: Array: 4TB HDD - Parity 4TB HDD This is a long way to state my main concern. Am I going to have issues with this swap? Will the rebuild run correctly? I do not currently run any trim processes... I was going to follow the normal disable swap procedure but I am concerned that there may be issues because of there being an SSD in the array. Thanks in advance! Edit: Yup everything worked without a hitch. I was concerned by all the warnings from fix common problems and Unraid itself but those seem to have been of no consequence.
  3. I am in a similar boat as you so I am invested in the replies you get! The decision came down to if the 4 threads would be more valuebale or the quick sync (blue iris, plex) and if quick sync would even work for both vms and dockers at the same time? That said I can make myself slightly useful while I am here. The 1000w psu should be plenty. Looking at the past I am kind of scared trying to be one of the first to pass through a 3080. I may wait and see how it goes for others. Some new GPUs have issues. But maybe it's fine? -if you get it running games should run great with the 12 threads and a 3080. I think linus just had issues because he was trying to pass through 2 GPUs to 2 vms plus it looked like he had a 3rd card for unraid? but it sounds like you just could give unraid one and the other to your gaming vm. EZPZ.
  4. That board would definitely do it. But would his slot 3 would only get x4 from the cpu right? 8x+8x from the cpu to slot 1 and 2. Would slot 3 be 8x to the chipset which would then be bottle necked to 4x by it's connection to the cpu? Or would it be 4x to the cpu? There are 24 lanes for the 3950x and 4 of those are for the chipset. -trying to understand myself so I may be way off here-. But with the use case he stated and pcie 4 that would probably be fine.
  5. As someone currently fighting problems with pcie lanes, I hope you decided against this. Server hardware would do this better.
  6. Issue, I have been running unraid for a while. I expected some performance loss in my gaming vm 5-10% but the bottom end was a lot more extreme than that (~50%). I finally got around to troubleshooting the issue and it seems to be coming down to PCIE lanes and configurations. And I may be crazy, but it felt like this was worse after installing a new NVME drive. My current setup: Ryzen 1600 Asus b350-f Strix PCIE x16 slot 1 - GT710 (Gets x8 in this slot) PCIE x16 slot 2 - RX 480 (It was either 2.0 or 3.0 at x4) Ram 16GB VMs: VM1 - Windows 10 Blue iris VM2 - Windows 10 Gaming The RX480 running at x4 PCIE lanes seems to have quite the impact on the bottom end of my frame rates. So, I need a solution and I have not found a decent answer yet. Option 1: If I could boot to unraid using the GT 710 in the second PCIE 16 slot this would solve my problems. Idk how to do this not have I found good information on it yet if you know plz help. Option 2: Throw money at it? Get a x470 or x570 board instead that can actually run x8 +x8 I think that would help a good bit. A good board recommendation that's not too expensive would be greatly appreciated! If anyone has a better option I am definitely open to ideas! I tried running unraid headless in the past and I had a lot of issues. But maybe I was just doing it wrong... -Struggling Noob. Solved: I was able to get things operating much more smoothly. First off I had to remove CPU pinning. I do not know why but this actually caused horrible stuttering. Next I added another full cpu to the VM which really smoothed things out. I thought the lanes were having more impact than then were. Now I would say I am only losing about %10 off of my normal benchmark scores. - Thanks to everyone who helped!
  7. Thanks man! It's really close. I have been using a wired connection. I had made those changes as recommended, your connection string has a few things that mine did not. I also found out about disabling xcompmgr as well which seemed to help. The next step was getting the video output correct for the pi. I am starting to wonder if the OS itself is the issue as I notice the slight frame drops and tears (Almost gone now) without the RDP session.
  8. Thank you both for the recommendations. Here is an update and where I am now... I was able to get the free version and give it a go. I ran into some network configuration issues that are likely just due to my architecture. After a while I did end up abandoning this approach but I may go back. I got this running. I read through the post you tagged along with a few others and tried several versions of the command needed to use this software. But, even with quite a few options changed I could not get smooth video playing. There was great improvement with each new command change. I went from basically slide shows of the desktop that loaded in ~100 pixel rows to a running but choppy video. Would you be willing to share your freerdp settings to get a smooth video experience on pi4?
  9. I could use some help in determining the best solution for my use case. I looked through the forum but, if this is somewhere I am having a tough time finding it. I am wanting to use a raspberry Pi 4 on my local network as a thin client (or robust RDP application) to access a windows 10 VM on my unraid server. Ideally video playback will be smooth with sound (She will mostly be using youtube and watching downloaded shows via plex). I have seen several different solutions but I am looking for the best configuration, ideally free and with as little additional input from the user (My wife) as possible when accessing the VM. Hopefully just starting the PI and logging in. I am wondering if anyone else is doing something similar and how the experience is. Thanks in advance. Edit: I gave up on this venture with an RPI 4 I could never get a smooth experience. Lots of tweaking can make this usable but not good. I hear this works better on the 3b+?
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