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Everything posted by Zudnic

  1. I have an Ubuntu VM running on Unraid v6.9.1, version 22.04.3 LTS. For a long time I have saved torrents via qBittorrent to a mounted disk. Within Ubuntu, on boot, I'd use this command: sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio ubuntudata /mnt/ubuntudata This works fine in the Ubuntu UI - I can see it in the file browser and interact with it normally. ubuntudata is a share on my unraid server. However, lately, qBittorrent does not play nice when saving to this drive. It will start the download, then after about 60-90 seconds, it will pop up that it had a file I/O error and the torrent will show status : "Errored: Invalid argument" This is the same folder I have been using for a long time so I am confident that the problem is not permissions. Thanks in advance for any help. zudnic-diagnostics-20231012-1244.zip
  2. Thank you! That did the trick. Appreciate the quick response and idiot-proof instructions.
  3. Hi all, thank you for creating and supporting this app. I'm still learning, so please bear with me because this sounds like an utterly stupid question. I installed the binhex syncthing UI in Unraid. When I go to the Web UI URL, it asks for credentials. I can't find anything about default credentials, canceling out doesn't work, and my Unraid user credentials don't work either. Is there a default username and password? I'm sure there is something basic I'm missing but any help is appreciated.
  4. --- leaving the below for the Google machine to pick up, but I figured this out. In the command described in this thread, (1) the path at the end is the LOCAL path on the VM. I got confused as hell because unRAID config has you enter a a path on unRAID. This is a "well,duh" moment and I should probably not stay up so late doing this stuff. The directory in the last parameter must exist since it's the local mount point on the VM. In other words, the two lines in unRAID are basically making an alias for the VM to use. So when the vm goes looking for "ubuntudata", unRAID translates that to "/mnt/user/ubuntudata". Just to add to this old thread, I am having a problem not addressed previously here. I have a Ubuntu VM running in the default location: /mnt/user/domains/Ubuntu2/vdisk1.img In the VM config I have set the following: Since it says "Unraid Share" I set it up as an ordinary share. The share is public and exported, SMB enabled but not AFP. I then run the command from inside the VM: sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio ubuntudata /mnt/user/ubuntudata Which returns: mount: /mnt/user/ubuntudata: mount point does not exist. I have tried several different variations of this command including putting quotes around the mount tag, adding/removing trailing slashes, etc. All give that same error. It looks like Ubuntu isn't seeing anything outside its own file system. I did a find for "ubuntudata" and it came back with : me@ubuntu:/$ sudo find / -name "ubuntudata" find: '/run/user/1000/gvfs': permission denied My use case here is that my VM ISO is quite small since it is running on my cache disk. I want to create a storage space for the VM that is separate. I can connect to a regular unRAID share via SMB but I cannot download directly to it, large files fail routinely. I thought this method was supposed to circumvent gvfs? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thank you, I didn't know about that. It's showing the transfers in the KB/s range.
  6. @JorgeB thank you! If that's the case I'm confused as to why Windows shows it going at 850-1200kb/sec right now?
  7. @JorgeB Thank you. I am doing this on a Windows computer over my local network. Diagnostics attached. [Edit - Diagnostics removed due to potentially personally identifiable info]
  8. I have a Dell T320, Xeon [email protected], 20gb ram. I have three disks, two are 7200 rpm and one is 5200rpm. Fourth disk is 5200rpm and used as parity. I have a 240gb SSD connected as cache. All are hard-wired via SATA internally. (Older machine, honestly not entirely sure which version of SATA it's running.) I have two shares, one called "xfer" and another called "share". All data on "xfer" is on Disk 2 and "Share" on Disk 3. I am moving data via Windows Explorer/SMB between each share. Transfer speeds are varying between 500kb - 5mb/sec. I'm not sure what my expectations should be in this case, but that seems awfully slow. What are best practices for transfer speed? Should I not use SMB? Edit: I found the doc here related to Midnight Commander. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I'm trying to do some basic stuff - I hit 6 to move something but nothing happens. My question on SMB still stands though. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thank you @Decto for the guidance. What I eventually noticed is that the server has a SATA connection intended for a secondary optical device. I was able to connect the drive directly to the existing SATA connection and the server then recognized it. I was able to pull the PCIe card out entirely and go with the native hardware. I'll add this for the benefit of anyone who is an utter n00b like me: if you need an additional hard drive connection, there's a good chance you have one already. Your drive has two connections, one smaller and one larger - often enclosures and the like have both connections in one joined plug. So long as your drive is getting the data and power connections, it'll work. In my case the data (smaller) is connected directly to the motherboard using a SATA cable, and the power I am stealing from the optical drive connection. I struggled to find a good guide to fundamentals, this one was the best of the lot: https://www.pcworld.com/article/131231/how-to-install-a-new-hard-drive-in-your-desktop-pc.html
  10. Hi, I'm moving my config to a Dell T320 server. Currently I have unRAID working but I'm short a slot, so I'm using a USB stick for cache temporarily. I have a 240gb SSD that I intend to use for cache. I formatted and prepped the drive with a USB enclosure. I purchased a cheap PCIe card on Amazon. There didn't seem to be much guidance online about this (the official list in documentation is marked as outdated), so I picked one somewhat arbitrarily ("The majority of common hardware ‘just works’."). I installed the card in the machine and got unRAID to boot correctly, however it does not recognize the drive - it doesn't show up in the 'main' tab. The card came with a driver disc. Do I need to install the driver, and if so, how? Is there something at the BIOS level? Thanks in advance for any recommendations.
  11. Yes I am... I figured I'd start here although this is more of a generic FreeBSD question.
  12. Hi, I have a bunch of videos that I want to upload to Google Photos. They need to have their extensions changed, but I want to preserve the date/time of the files so they are indexed properly. Is there a single command that I can run that will: Recursively go through a directory and subdirectories and rename any file ending in '.foo' with '.bar' Do NOT update the file date/time I've done some research on this online and it appears there are several approaches to do one or the other, but I cannot determine the best way to combine the two. I am also a little gun-shy as a n00b and I really only have one shot at this, if I screw up the dates/times they're not recoverable. Thanks in advance!
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