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Everything posted by brentk

  1. Just installed this container. I couldn't access the web interface until i edited the file /appdata/gitea/gitea/conf/app.ini (Default settings do not work) Changed [server] APP_DATA_PATH = /data/gitea DOMAIN = x.x.x.x SSH_DOMAIN = x.x.x.x HTTP_PORT = 8300 ROOT_URL = http://x.x.x.x:8300/ to: [server] APP_DATA_PATH = /data/gitea DOMAIN = x.x.x.x SSH_DOMAIN = x.x.x.x HTTP_PORT = 3000 ROOT_URL = http://x.x.x.x:8300/ So it matches the default container HTTP port of 3000
  2. That update fixed it! Thanks very much @scolcipitato
  3. Reinstalled again - still no difference
  4. Thanks - I tried the update but there is no change
  5. Thanks @scolcipitato - I can't think of any other plugin I have which would change the webui - any idea how to find what it would be? After I removed folder view - the order of my VMs is as follows (not the same as the list from the debug file) 1 Centum_FT 2 CodeSys T11 3 Fast Tools Stardom 4 GeoSCADA2020 5 Geo SCADA 2021 6 HA Dev 7 Home Assistant HAOS 8 Macinabox Catalina 9 SimaticTIA17Pro 10 SimaticTIA17Unified 11 StardomT11 12 Tiny11_2311 13 Windows 10 Gaming 14 Windows 11
  6. In my VMs tab - the wrong VMs show in the configured folder. Docker folders work fine. Screenshots show config and Folder View Display - as you can see different VMs from those selected appear in the "Home Automation" folder. Any idea how to fix this? I have tried both Firefox and Edge - same problem.
  7. Same issue - thanks for your fix. First tried Spaceinvader's fix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZDX7Gq7UFU ) unsuccessfully.
  8. My VPN is failing to connect within 60 seconds and I receive the following error: TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) When I test the VPN connection on my Windows laptop using the VPN provider's OpenVPN client - it takes nearly 90 seconds to create the connection OpenVPN.Control - INFO - Connection built in 80.815 sec. Is there any way I can extend the timeout to say 120 seconds?
  9. @carltonb I have just got this working. You need to: Follow the instructions at this link to get values for YUBICO_CLIENT_ID and YUBICO_SECRET_KEY. In UNRAID - open the settings for the bitwardenrs Docker container At the bottom click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" Set Config Type = Variable, Name = YUBICO_CLIENT_ID, Key = YUBICO_CLIENT_ID, Value = <Your Yubico Client ID> Click Add Add another variable as above for YUBICO_SECRET_KEY Click APPLY to restart the Docker container That should be it - now you can configure the Yubikey in the Bitwarden Settings.
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