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Posts posted by Russonti

  1. Not sure if anyone is seeing this with the new Mistlands update. Not even sure if it's related to this docker container or if it's something with the Mistlands update. Just figured I would put what I'm seeing and doing here in case anyone else comes across this.


    My buddies told me the update came out today and asked me to update the server. I thought some of these steam servers had auto updates so I checked logs this morning and it looked like it was checking for update every hour and failed on something, then restarted the server. So I did what any IT pro would do, I turned it off and turned it back on again. I kept logs up and watched it download and install the update. I go back to work and heard some buddies were playing on steam deck and computer during the day. No one says anything so I think all is fine. I get on to play this evening after work and then saw a 1995 style icon of a computer/server with a wire to a modem and an red X in the line flashing in the top left hand corner? I was like wts mate? and my buddies were like oh yea your going to get booted. Then we all saw it and got booted. That's when my buddies said they had this happen to them a couple times today and one said he thought it was just because he was on steam deck and had bad signal. So, I checked logs again and saw the same thing I saw this morning where it looked for an update a bunch of times and a couple of the times i saw logs said "Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'". So I checked this file and all it said was "CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 154 milliseconds to initialize". Logs for the auto update check before were like 2 and 4 milliseconds. 


    Long story short, I think there is an issue with the auto update game. Again, I dunno if it's the docker container (i doubt), or if it's the new Mistlands update (i tried checking but didn't see anything on their end yet), or if it's just release day and the servers couldn't handle all the auto update request and timed out causing this issue. 


    What did I do? I turned off the auto update game setting and everything seems to be fine so far. Just a heads up.

  2. @ich777 you the man. I figured that was going to be the case but wasn't sure. I will force update the container after I have someone check to make sure the world didn't reset again after last nights restart. I also thought I remember reading once upon a time that containers could share the same steamcmd but I wasn't confident enough in my memory. I feel like i can't remember anything these days. Thank you very much. I appreciate all the help and info and everything you do.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    @BergstromMN, @RyanOver9000, @ddube

    Please look at thread that @hammsandwich made, he now said that the update now works...

    Are you sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet, without PiHole or any adblocking software in your Network?

    What you can also try is to set a custom DNS for this container, to do so go tho the template and enable the 'Advanced View' and at 'Extra Parameters' add '--dns=' <-this is the GoogleDNS server, choose whatever you like.

    Evenutally this will solve the issue.

    Please also note that SteamCMD can be sometimes really, I better might say "special"... :D


    Please note that what @RyanOver9000 said, I've built in a special functionality that will automatically create a Backup folder in the main directory and take every 62 minutes backups of you world and will save the last 24 of them, so you will always have a backup and no manual backups are needed anymore... ;)


    @ich777 I don't have a backups folder in my main Valheim directory. Is this something new that you added?image.png.c1a011a6099db2b4517cdde10f0a446f.png

    I also just noticed that a couple of my different game servers share the same steamcmd directory. Could that cause problems? Should I have each container use a different steamcmd directory? I apologize, I should have noticed that before and looked into it.

  4. On 2/13/2021 at 1:50 PM, ich777 said:

    He is talking about Valheim.


    @Spectral Force may I ask if you experience any problems with Valheim that the world resets on a container stop/start/restart?


    EDIT: I read somewhere about a world destroy bug...

    @ich777 I just had this happen to me.


    I think I am a victim of this issue. I have had Valheim server running for over a week now with 6 or so people playing on it without any issues. On Monday I noticed the cpu usage for the container was unusually high (apparently it's a bug that I didn't know at the time). I typically have a simple restart script run daily for my containers running game servers. I just use the community applications - user scripts and just run a simple docker restart 'container'. Some of them I do a docker stop then a cold copy/paste into a backup directory and then start the container again. Unfortunately, I did not do that for the Valheim server because of time constraints. On Tuesday after the daily restart happened I got word that players could not join the server. When they tried the screen would load all black and they were not prompted for a password. I restarted the container again so they could log into the server. At that time we found out that the world was reset and everything they built was gone. However, they do still have everything that is in their inventory. Unfortunately I do not have a back up since i did not set that up. Also unfortunately, it does not appear that I have a world.db.old or any kind of backups that the game did. At least not to my knowledge. The worlds folder only has the one database file and the one .fwl file.


    I am not too familar with this server setup or game. I haven't even played the game yet but I spun up a server for my friends. Your other game servers work flawlessly so I figured everything would be all good. I saw the "world destroy bug" as well and I am only guessing that is what happened to me. I did have someone build a little shack yesterday to test out the daily restart again tonight to see if it happens every time the docker container is restarted. I will also be rewriting my script to do a copy/paste back up in case it happens again. I was trying to do some research and saw your post so I figured I would give you some info of my experience.

  5. Thank You Squid!  The Krusader app worked for me. 


    I guess that would make sense that not all apps would be compatible with SMB. It's kind of funny that it was the app running Microsoft's version of the game is the one that gave me trouble lol. 


    I appreciate the quick response and helpful information!

  6. Hi, I am fairly new to UnRaid. I have been running it for a 3 months without too many issues. I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask my question. If not please let me know. Currently I am running into an issue with permissions on one of my shares. This share is where I put the appData for all of my Docker Minecraft servers. I have two separate Docker images for the two different types of servers. One for Java edition and one for Bedrock edition. The directories in this share for the Java editions work perfectly fine. However, the directories Bedrock containers are giving me permission issues. When trying to edit/modify/delete files and folders in the Bedrock directories from a Windows device I receive an error:

    You require permission from Unix User\nobody to make changes to this folder.



    I have been Googling and reading forums on similar issues. Everything that I read says to try running the Docker Safe New Perms Tool. I have tried running this tool but it automatically excluding my Minecraft share. I am not sure why this share is being automatically excluded. I have tried searching for how to remove this share from the exclusion list but am unable to find anything.



    I have tried running an extended test in Fix Common Problems but still nothing. Ultimately my problem is that I have directories in a share that have permission issues. But from what I am reading the best common fix is to run the Docker Safe New Perms Tool. Unfortunately, this tool is automatically excluding the share that I am having issues with.


    My question is, is there a way to exclude a share from the exclusion list for this tool?  Please let me know if I'm asking in the wrong place or if there is a better way to go about fixing my ultimate issue with folder permissions.


    Thank you!

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