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Posts posted by MitchTalmadge

  1. I reseated all my various peripherals (SATA ports, internal USB header, M.2 slots, etc.) and recreated my Docker image. I've had no problems since then! I guess it was a loose connection. (I am still using the same USB drive as before, I guess there wasn't really any problems with it.) Thanks for the help.

  2. 3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Docker image is corrupt, delete and recreate.


    Thank you @JorgeB, I'll try this out.


    Also, I believe my USB drive is a lemon. I ran Check Flash on it and it had a read error:



    I'm going to run a more thorough test to be sure. I probably need to find a new drive though.




    Update: I ran more tests and didn't run into the error again. I am leaning towards that being a fluke. I'm going to try running Unraid again and see if the problem persists after a reboot. I did find a somewhat loose M.2 SATA adapter in my case which could have been part of the problem.

  3. Good morning, I have been having some issues with Docker on my new Unraid (v6.11.5) build. I have resolved some of it, but I wanted to share my experience and get advice going forward.

    Build Details

    • No parity -- see next bullet.
    • One 14TB HDD that I am transferring data onto from another computer. Once this is done I will move two more 14TB HDDs from that computer into this Unraid build, and use one of them as a parity disk.
      • I am constantly transferring ~100MB/s of data into the Unraid build during the events outlined in this post.
    • One 512GB SATA SSD to be used as cache.
    • Ryzen 5 3600 CPU
    • 32GB RAM (not ECC at the moment, but ECC is coming).
    • Unraid is installed on a brand new Samsung BAR Plus 64GB USB 3.1 Flash Drive (MUF-64BE4/AM)


    Sometimes when I try to install a docker container, the web UI hangs during download of the images, then starts throwing up the "500 Internal Server Error" page. After a while (~10 minutes) it will resolve itself and the UI loads again. During this time I can still SSH into the server, I can transfer files in and out, etc. without issues. This happened when installing plex, but not when installing SWAG.


    For my latest attempt, I tried to install pihole and the Unraid UI once again froze up and I could not open it up in another tab; I would get 500 Internal Server Error. It eventually came back up, but the Docker container was all sorts of messed up. I was getting errors such as "Error response from daemon: Failed to create btrfs snapshot: read-only file system" whenever trying to do anything with the container. I couldn't remove or re-create the container because of the "read-only file system."

    Fixing "read-only file system"

    I read somewhere here on the forums that the read-only problem can be a result of corruption when using btrfs (as I am) and the cache drive becomes full (as it did -- I accidentally filled it up with the mover). So I brought the array down, set minimum file sizes on the cache pool and the shares (30GB each), then brought the array back up. 


    After this, the pihole docker image was working and the read-only messages were gone, but it had no way to edit the image. The UI told me that it believed the image was added manually (not via apps). I stopped and deleted the container + image, went back to the apps area, and re-downloaded/configured pihole. This time it worked with no issues and I have a working pihole instance.


    I believe this problem is fixed but I would like to hear feedback about whether this fix was "proper" or not.

    Fixing "500 Internal Server Error"

    I don't really know what causes the 500 internal server errors, or how to fix it. I don't believe they are related to the cache drive; they happened even when the cache drive was mostly empty. I am worried that it could be a bad USB drive, from what I have read on the forums, but I don't know how to verify that.


    Let me know what you think, or if more context would help. I greatly appreciate your time!


  4. 44 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:


    thanks, I just tried setting up a brand new container of AMP as well and see the same thing.

    @MitchTalmadge are you able to see what might be up for deploying brand new containers w/ the :latest image? It no longer seems to be working, can't get web UI to load. 


    thx in advance!


    Note to @xXMrZombie20Xx if Mitch doesn't reply here within a few days it might be best to post these logs on his github for the project here: https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized/issues

    Yeah I'll see if I can reproduce it

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/22/2021 at 2:11 PM, Sporical said:

    Second question and this may be the wrong thread to ask but, is there a setting somewhere in AMP where I can connect it to a subdomain I have with SWAG so I can type in "amp.myserver.com"? The directions given at the beginning of the thread are a little confusing.

    I don't know what SWAG is, but the way I did this with my Apache server was to make an HTTP proxy from "/" on "amp.example.com" to "http://localhost:8080/". You would probably want to look into something similar. Hopefully this helps you along the right path.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 6/23/2021 at 4:04 AM, Nanobug said:

    Can anyone help with this?



    Sorry that I haven't been much help, I don't actually use Unraid so a lot of the config sections are unfamiliar to me. I would start by doing one single port instead of a range of ports, and see if that works. Doesn't Valheim use port 2456 or something? Are you sure it's running on 10000? I would go into the Valheim instance and check the config sections there. The Valheim logs might also hint to what port it is listening on.

  7. On 6/22/2021 at 4:44 PM, darcseed said:

    updated Minecraft to 1.17. Swapped Java up.


    Kid's servers won't start. 


    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:98) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at dib.a(SourceFile:105) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(SourceFile:122) [minecraft_server.jar:?]
    Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:100) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:106) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:111) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.toRealPath(UnixPath.java:852) ~[?:?]
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:96) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    ... 2 more

    Any ideas?

    I have just released a new version of this container, please update and let me know if it solves your issue. Thank you!

  8. 53 minutes ago, darcseed said:

    updated Minecraft to 1.17. Swapped Java up.


    Kid's servers won't start. 


    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:98) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at dib.a(SourceFile:105) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(SourceFile:122) [minecraft_server.jar:?]
    Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:100) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:106) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:111) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.toRealPath(UnixPath.java:852) ~[?:?]
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:96) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    ... 2 more

    Any ideas?

    Can you check for UnRAID updates? 


    There are lots of people talking about this problem over in this forum for a different Minecraft container: 

    It seems to be pretty widespread among UnRAID.



  9. 4 minutes ago, darcseed said:

    updated Minecraft to 1.17. Swapped Java up.


    Kid's servers won't start. 


    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:98) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at dib.a(SourceFile:105) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(SourceFile:122) [minecraft_server.jar:?]
    Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:100) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:106) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:111) ~[?:?]
    at sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.toRealPath(UnixPath.java:852) ~[?:?]
    at dib.<init>(SourceFile:96) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]
    ... 2 more

    Any ideas?


    Thank you for the report! Multiple people are running into this: https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized/issues/76


    It looks like it's limited to Minecraft 1.17 so I am trying to figure out why it suddenly stopped working. All other Minecraft versions seem to work fine. I'm trying to find a solution but please let me know if anyone finds anything. I appreciate any help.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Sporical said:

    When I try to start my MC server now I get an error saying server unable to start and in the console this is what it says:

    Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class net.minecraft.server.Main

    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 60.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 55.0

    Any ideas?

    Go to the Java settings in that AMP instance and try switching to Java 16

  11. 1 hour ago, ptchernegovski said:

    Have had a read back over the posts here again. Saw about changing permissions possibly in Krusader due to being denied access when go into the appdata from a Windows PC. I am being denied access when try that, but can't seem to change permissions from Krusader.
    What would be the commands I need in command line to change it?

    I don't know anything about Krusader but this line from your logs tells me Java doesn't have all the permissions it needs to run the server:


    java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted


    I'm not sure how it happened, maybe you're onto something with your Krusader research, but I would suggest restarting the Docker image/container. I have built in a startup script that fixes all file permissions on startup which may allow you to run the server.

  12. 21 hours ago, ptchernegovski said:

    I may be having a too tired moment, but I have got this installed, and able to login with the webui. I am trying to run minecraft on it. When I try to even set up a vanilla world, making no changes to the config, I get the error of "minecraft stopped within 5 seconds of starting", and saying due to java.

    I didn't change much in the install, just added my own password, mac address, and my license.

    Am I missing something simple?


    I just created a brand new install and immediately created and started a Minecraft server without problems. Can you check the console for errors and also check what the Java section is showing you? Also are you using a normal AMP key or an old McMyAdmin key out of curiosity? (If you don't know then it's probably a normal key) 







  13. 20 hours ago, ptchernegovski said:

    I may be having a too tired moment, but I have got this installed, and able to login with the webui. I am trying to run minecraft on it. When I try to even set up a vanilla world, making no changes to the config, I get the error of "minecraft stopped within 5 seconds of starting", and saying due to java.

    I didn't change much in the install, just added my own password, mac address, and my license.

    Am I missing something simple?


    I recently added Java 16 to this image so maybe something went wrong. Thanks for the report! I will investigate.

  14. 1 minute ago, GonjaT said:

    I use the "Latest" tag and its still not able to create new instances, I even removed container, image and appdata folder to do a fresh install. I still cant create any instances... not sure if I'm missing something or not.



    Try clearing your browser cache. I remember that being a problem that they spoke about in the CubeCoders Discord. Let me know if that doesn't work

  15. 31 minutes ago, GonjaT said:

    any progress on the fix? I just ran into this today as well.



    Thanks for the report!


    I was able to re-produce it. It looks like CubeCoders released an update which caused this problem, then fixed it later in the day but kept it under the same version number. Because of this my build script had no way of knowing it needed to re-download the update. I've forced some new builds; please pull the image again and the fixed version will be applied on next boot. :) Let me know if this solves the problem. It did for me.

  16. 1 minute ago, Smurre said:

    Hey look at that it worked. I did as for help there earlier but since i was running it in unraid and i mentioned it i did not get any help so i stopped searching but normally i look around there for awnsers. So yeah the solution worked.


    Thanks :D will make sure to look extra ;)

    Yeah they are kinda jerks when it comes to helping Docker / Unraid users. They don't care what the problem is, the moment they hear Unraid they stop listening. Oh well. We have been pretty good at solving the problems on our own. Glad it worked!

    • Like 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Smurre said:

    Yeah i thought so to but im not getting this issue on my other instance that i made before

    this is the error Im seeing



    I just looked in the discord for this error and someone suggests stopping AMP, go to genericmodule.kvp (inside Valheim instance dir), edit it, and change








    Hopefully this works

  18. 6 minutes ago, J_Hizzal said:

    Trying to start a clean install of this with the default username and password and I continue to get "Invalid Username or password". Any tips on how to just login?




    Weird, I've never had the defaults not work. Wild suggestion but check for trailing spaces on the username or password. Maybe one snuck in there. Alternatively try recreating the image. Sorry for the trouble, I'll do my best to help you get this working!

  19. 1 minute ago, vespidflame said:

    When using br0, The client still is unable to see the Minecraft instance. I am not sure if there is something in AMP that I need to configure as nothing shows such function. When running on br0, I am able to connect to multiple ports manually but no server's will not show up when the client scans the network. Could this be a AMP limitation?

    So to clarify -- you can connect to the minecraft server manually by putting in the IP and port, but on the server page it won't automatically find the server? If this is the situation you find yourself in, the reason is what I said about multicast. It's not an AMP limitation, but a Docker limitation. AMP is capable of multicast, but Docker is not in its default configuration. 


    To give you some context, multicast is one of three ways that clients communicate with each other. There is unicast, where one computer talks directly to another computer; there is broadcast, where one computer sends a message to all other computers in the network, and multicast where one computer sends a message to one or more computers, depending on who subscribes to hear about it. In this case, the Minecraft client detects servers by subscribing to a multicast channel where all the servers will send "I am available" messages.


    The problem is that Docker is a containerization service that puts the image inside its own private network, and multicast channels are a network-private concept. So the clients are technically on a separate network from the server, as if the server was on your friend's computer at their house. The way to get around this is by using host networking as I linked to in my previous post. This eliminates the private network and runs the server on the same network as your unraid machine, so multicast should work again. I suggest trying that if you really need server discovery. I've never tried it with this image but I think it should be fine.

  20. Auto discovery of LAN servers is accomplished through Multicast which as far as I can tell is not supported by docker unless you use host networking, however I have never tried this and I'm not sure what consequences it could have. Basically with host networking, network configurations made by AMP inside the container will actually be applied to your host system, so AMP could potentially mess things up and in the worst case even make it so you can't access your server remotely anymore. But there's a chance it could work perfectly. I can't say for sure what will happen.


  21. 7 hours ago, dkerlee said:

    wrestling with this thing - I can't get connected to the server I've got.

    In unRaid docker setup, under Game Port I've specified 25349. Under AMP, I clicked Edit Ports, and that looks correct



    Here's the unRaid piece



    You said port 25349 but the first screenshot shows that you are using port 25348. Perhaps that's the problem?

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