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Posts posted by ozma64

  1. Resetting the Dashboard through Tile Manager still doesnt stop the Dashboard from resetting each time it is closed out.

    I agree with NachoServer... Depending on browser side options to store settings is an extremely poor way to do this.

    The Dashboard worked perfectly fine beforehand and now having my layout completely scrambled every time i close, after having literal years of it being just fine, is rather annoying.

    I know it is just system information but this sounds like a setting that could quite easily be stored within the OS itself so it honestly makes no sense...

    A lot of people clear their cookies automatically whenever they close there browsers, it keeps a lot of browsing issues in check.. So doing this seems counter productive..

  2. On 7/26/2023 at 7:53 AM, Frank1940 said:

    The webGUI does seem to require a lot of CPU cycles.  Depending on your CPU, this could be resulting in the CPU using most of available computing power.  This will cause the CPU to use more power which translates to an increase in its temperature. 


    Open up your case and inspect things for dust and dirt.  You CPU cooler may be clogged with it.  IF clean, give more details about the components in your system.  Tell us what temperatures are on the Dashboard page.  (Spin up the array and wait 15 minutes to see what the increases are.) 


    EDIT:   You might want to consider replacing the fans with quieter ones...


    That was my first thought however my CPU usage is typically setting around 0% to 10% while in the WebGUI. I also clean my Server out on a regular basis and keep a large box fan against it in case temps where the issue as well. My CPU is typically between 25C to 45C and and my hard drives are typically between 25C to 35C So i dont see temps being hte issue.. so i figured that there was a bug in it...

    So under the idea of a possible bug, i upgraded the OS from 6.9.2 to 6.12.3 however that cause my Fans to start ramping up to full blast even whenever i wasnt even logged into the WebGUI... so i have downgraded back down to 6.9.2...




    On 7/26/2023 at 9:25 AM, ConnerVT said:

    Not a lot of details here to make a solid suggestion.  But it reminded me of a quirky thing I saw when setting up a backup server.


    I have an old GT 710 I put in that server, just for setting it up, configuring BIOS, etc.  I noticed that one core would pin to 100% after waking it from sleep (server boots to Unraid GUI).  I found that the proc XORG was causing that core to max out.


    As I had no plans to use the GPU for anything other than the Unraid dashboard, I hadn't bothered installing any driver for the GPU, and it was functioning as needed without it.  I ended up installing the Nvidia driver and set nvidia-persistenced, and it is now no longer an issue.  I don't know if this will help any, but something you can look into.

    I dont use a GPU in my server, it is fully remote operated from my PC and has no containers or VMs that would necessitate a GPU.. Do you think testing i should try a driver anyways to see what happens? Im not seeing any of my cores getting pinned to 100%. At most, 1 random core will hit about 10% whenever i reload my WebGUI.

  3. I have been having an issue on my unraid server where my Fans will be running just fine indefinitely while the WebGUI is never open.

    However, if i should ever pull up the webGUI, after a few minutes the fans will suddenly max out on there speed, making my server start to scream.


    This will either happen intermittently, maxing out then after several seconds to a few minutes cutting back down to normal speed again, just to do it all over again a few moments later... Or it will max out my fan speed and just leave it there permanently until i disconnect power and Power drain the system (Just rebooting the system does not resolve the issue if the fan speed locks at max, it HAS to be pulled from power to reset).


    If the fans only max out intermittently, it will stop cycling up to max speed if i close out all webGUI windows.

    So as long as the webGUI remains close, my server is quiet as a mouse..


    Has anyone else had this issue? And if so, have you found a resolution for this??


  4. On 12/25/2021 at 5:34 PM, jj_uk said:

    Just coming to the end of my run. This error "post_read_err: command not found" is flashing up on the screen. It is something to be concerned about?  The process seems to be continuing as normal.




    I am getting this same error with the same line number... I cant see that anyone had actually responded to this... could someone advise?

  5. I can but i need to find a part for me system Fan. For some reason whenever i have the WebGUI for Unraid up, it periodically maxes out my fan speed intermittently. However, then i upgrade to 6.10 it does it intermittently at all times, not just when i have the WebGUI up.. im not sure what is causing it but i ordered a part due to this to take my fan's PWM off the motherboard and move it to an adjustable turn knob on the back of the server.. I just havent had the chance to install it yet, so i was when i start digging into m HDD upgrades that im doing. So ill have it upgraded eventually.

  6. 20 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Let's try a couple things:

    • Click on the double arrows on the Unassigned Devices header.  This will tell Unraid to refresh unassigned devices.  See if it changes the Dashboard display or the UD page.
    • Remove the Unassigned Devices plugin and see what the stock Unassigned Devices page shows.   Does it show the "Dev 4" device?  Caution: Your UD devices will unmount, so do it at a time when you can have the two UD mounted disks unmount.


    Yes, it is only showing the Dev4 device on the dashboard and INI file. Everywhere else it is not showing up.

    When refreshing the UD page listing, it remained the same, Dev4 did not show up on it but remained on dash board and INI file.

    However, when i uninstalled UD from the server, the Dev4 drive disappeared from the Dashboard and INI file.


    So if that is the case, im imagining this isnt an issue with Unraid but UD instead. Do you concur?

  7. 1 hour ago, dlandon said:

    Does 'Dev 4' or any other array device ever show up in the UD GUI?  If it does, post a screen shot of the UD page.


    Could you clarify where that page is? The only pages that hold UD information that i know of are on the Dashboard, Main tab, and the Unassigned Devices Settings page (which doesn't show the individual devices. I have already posted photos of what i see in the Dashboard and Main Tab for UD. I cant seem to find any other location that holds Unassigned Device information.

  8. The 3 drives show up and also this:



    Which is odd because the identifier sdj is another drive my array is using... ST1000NM0023_Z1W2B5WF00009442RURN - 1 TB (sdj)

    Could i have a corrupted Unraid install?

  9. Greetings,


    I have been having an issue recently where additional unassigned drives have been populating on my dashboard under the Unassigned category.

    Currently I only have 2 mounted drives for Plex usage and 1 Precleared drive pending being added to my array at a later date. However, I occasionally get a 4th Dev device (and on occasion even a 5th, 6th, and even 7th) listed on the dash board even if the Main Array panel shows only the 3 drives..

    Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this?

    I have included my diagnostic files as well.

    Typically the extra Dev device(s) disappear after a reboot of the server.

    I'm kinda at a loss on this...






  10. I have another question on this.. Could this issue cause Unraid to become unresponsive to Array Shutdown commands? a couple of the attempts i had made to put the 6TB drive into the array caused Unraid to lock the array up where it would not stop the array when i clicked on it to do so rebooting Unraid from the GUI wouldnt work either and i had to hard power cycle the server...  Could this issue cause something like that to happen?

  11. The backplane is most likely the issue then, the HBA and breakout cables are basically new.. but the backplane is rather old and shabby as it came with the old chassis i have everything in. I bought it used from my work. I also think a capacitor is getting loose on it so that's the most likely suspect... i got a new one on the way to replace it. Cross my fingers on it. Appreciate the second opinion


  12. 6 minutes ago, trurl said:
    Jul 18 11:30:18 MultiMediaServ kernel: sd 5:0:7:0: device_unblock and setting to running, handle(0x0015)
    Jul 18 11:30:18 MultiMediaServ kernel: sd 5:0:7:0: Power-on or device reset occurred
    Jul 18 11:30:18 MultiMediaServ kernel: sd 5:0:7:0: device_block, handle(0x0015)
    Jul 18 11:30:19 MultiMediaServ kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: log_info(0x31120303): originator(PL), code(0x12), sub_code(0x0303)
    [5:0:7:0]    disk    ATA      WDC WD60EZAZ-00S 0A80  /dev/sdi   /dev/sg8 



    Alright, thank you for clarifying for me.. as for that block of logs there... if im reading it right, the drive is losing power repeatingly? Am I correct? if it is a device reset, what could cause it besides a cabling issue?

  13. Hello, I have been attempting to upgrade my Unraid server from 1TB drives to 6TB drives.

    I have been trying to get the Parity drives upgraded however every time i try, the parity sync runs very slow (5mb a sec) for about an hour and then it fails.

    Fix Common problems states that they are Read Errors, however my syslog shows a wall of the following write errors before the drive is disabled:

    kernel: md: disk29 write error, sector=XXXXXXX


    I have ran multiple SMART tests on the drive with the tests completing without errors, and the drive has passed multiple preclear runs with full pre reads and post reads with no errors being detected.


    I'm thinking this is a cabling issue or a problem with my HBA/Backplane, however I would like a second opinion to ensure that I dont go on wild goose chases with this.


    The drive that is failing is WDC_WD60EZAZ-00SF3B0_WD-WX42DA1L45HN (sdi)

    It fails weather i try it in Parity or Parity2 position.


    Whenever i fail back over to my 1TB parity drive, Parity sync completes without issue (Please note that no drives were removed during testing so both drives are installed at the same time for easy swapping within the configuration)

    My 1TB parity drive is:

    WDC_WD10EZEX-00WN4A0_WD-WCC6Y3EATE71 (sdd)


    I uploaded a copy of my diagnostic reports. Please provide any advisement you may have that might direct me in the correct direction.


    Thank you


    (photo of my "Fix Common Problems" report:)



  14. @ich777 Well i managed to repair my MineOS Container... looks like the Java got corrupted somehow so im going to move back to that. However I'm trying to remove the Minecraft fold from my Appdata share and it refuses to delete the Runtime folder and all the java contents in it. I went into terminal and ran chmod to set it to full perms but the folder still remains... Has this happened for others? and how do I delete it?

  15. 18 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    As said above, I have to look into it but it could take a while since I have a few other things that need my attention first, will report back when I know more.


    Thats no problem, I will appreciate it if you do when you can.


    12 minutes ago, binhex said:

    the image i have created is primarily for vanilla minecraft not forge, but i dont think there is anything stopping you dropping in a forge jar and then defining the path to it via CUSTOM_JAR_PATH and then select the correct java version via JAVA_VERSION (8, 11, or latest) and you should be good to go.


    Well the thingis that Forge isnt started via Jars like vanilla... it runs a set of commands within the Library to start. I did just as you said and it didnt work

  16. 3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I have to look into this because as said above I really don't like Forge in general because the documentation still isn't the best and the servers always crashed at some point on me.


    Maybe try it first with the container from @binhex maybe it's more Forge friendly... :D

    @binhex please correct me on this if I'm wrong... :/


    Well i am looking at Binhex's Minecraft Container configuration and it is rather... unintuitive or at least not very straight forward... there isn't any real explanation on what each setting is and when I loaded my server into it and set the configuration the best I could, it failed to load.. I liked your App because it it is rather straight forward..

  17. 9 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    @ozma64 is this maybe the solution to your issue: Click

    (You actually have to read the entire Github issue)


    Thank you for this information.. I have read the entire issue there and Im having a hard time following unfortunately. Do i need to make a new Variable on the Container setup? If so, how should I set it up.... of if not, what settings should I add and where?

  18. 5 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    You also have the logs in your main directory and you should be able to read it in one of the two directories:

    • .../logs/latest.log
    • .../masterLog.0

    I really can't help with Forge.

    From what I know the container from @binhex should also be able to run forge if I'm not mistaken. Maybe you have more success with his container?


    The masterlog.0 file shows this:




    Ill check the binhex Docker as well..


    If anyone else has any advisement, i would appreciate it



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