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Everything posted by southernclipper

  1. Just setup Lomorage on a iphone 14Pro sending photos to Lomorage on Unraid 6.10. Setup was flawless., it was transfering the photos very fast 2000 photos in 20min but then it slows way down and now 5 photos avg about 10 - 14mins. Not sure why it slowing down, might be a queue full etc or AI running on the transfered photos. I stopped docker and restart Lomorage and the app as well as reboot phone. Still transfer very slow. I am on my home network, I notice the logs had alot of metadata events running. I left for two hours came back and open the app and it started transfering photos very fast and seems to slow down after about 2000 photos transfered. Trying to figure out it there is an issue or . Is there a setting to adjust. or if this is an issue and will not have to deal with it after everything is transfered. Is anything I can do to get it to speed up transfering files. Thanks in Advance
  2. I had some errors with my hardware and now have Unraid 6.10.2 Stable again, but its show a corrupt file on my Boot USB drive. Not sure I can remove this and it will be recreated. Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/smart-one-backup.cfg. Post your diagnostics in the forum for more assistance. Diag attached. Any help would be greatly appericated. Thanks in Advance. unraid02-diagnostics-20220608-1624.zip
  3. Upgrade my unraid server to 10.0.0 everything was fine, upgraded to 10.0.1 now my urbackup docker will not backup and cause all my shares to go offline. I have uninstall and reinstall binhex-backup ,still same problem. Ran script to check docker image size, no issues here. only way to get my shares back online is rebooting server. I never had any issues with the app. all I get is a ton of errors in log files. Not sure what broke urbackup. I updated Unraid to 10.0.2 same problem, I really need to get my clients backup going. any help or tips on where to look or fix would be greaty appericated. Errors 05/31/22 22:34 Creating directory "/media/" failed. - Input/output error (code: 5) Errors 05/31/22 22:34 Renaming file "/media/" to "/media/" failed -4. Input/output error (code: 5) Errors 05/31/22 22:34 Storing file to "/media/" failed Errors 05/31/22 22:34 Renaming file "/media/" to "/media/" failed -4. Input/output error (code Problem fixed, I had a Sata cable that got pinched when I add memory to the PC and cause corruption issues, that cause urbackup not able to write to the drive which would hang docker and Unraid.
  4. Looking for the unraid.net app. It no longer shows up on the community apps page. Did it get removed or changed names maybe. thanks in advance
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