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Everything posted by Sandwich

  1. Ok, that's odd! I had assumed that my PC, via a WiFi connection to my router, wouldn't be able to see the Unraid box via the `http://cube/` URL, but it can! The reason I assumed that was because my Android smartphone, connected to my router via Wifi, was never able to access the Unraid box via that URL—I've always had to type in the internal IP of I'd always assumed it was some sort of Wifi issue, but I see now it's not. Why would my PC be able to connect via that URL, but my phone not?
  2. For years, I've had an Unraid box and my main PC wired up to the same switch, and from the switch, a network cable connects both to the router. The Unraid box was accessible via the name I gave it, "Cube", at http://cube/. I just relocated my PC to another floor entirely, and I don't want to run a cable for it if I don't have to, so I'm trying Wifi. The Unraid box will be connected directly to the router now as well, in case that makes a difference. So, how can I go about connecting to a machine on the wired network of the router, from the wireless network of the router?
  3. How exactly would I do that? I don't see an IP configuration field anywhere...
  4. Hi all, I'd love some help in getting two Bedrock servers to run simultaneously. Below is the configuration I have: The top Creative world is the "default" - it has the normal ports, is visible on the LAN, etc. But the kids want a survival-only world, so I'm trying to set that up now that 1.18 is out. With the above configuration, on the same home network, in Minecraft under "Play" -> "Friends" tab -> "LAN Games" heading, it shows the Creative server, but not the Survival one. To see the Survival server, I have to click over to the "Servers" tab, click on "Add Server" at the bottom and fill in the details (IP, port 19144). Once that's saved, I see the Survival server listed under the "Additional Servers" heading in the "Servers" tab, but it constantly says "Survival - Locating..." on the button. Nevertheless, if I click the button (still in the "Servers" tab) and click "Join server", it connects. However...! If I go back to the "Friends" tab, I now see both the Creative and the Survival servers, but if I click on the Survival server, I get joined to the Creative server! It's not a copy of the Creative server either, but the actual Creative server—any changes such as block placement or player location are "carried over" and shown if I connect directly to the Creative server. Also, if I stop the Creative server's docker container, leaving the Survival server's container running, I can no longer connect to (what should be) the Survival server in the Friends tab. Any ideas?
  5. This situation is going from bad to worse. Now I have three disks not working, although only two of those are actually connected. I'm beginning to suspect the PSU might be the (or at least a) culprit. I had a SATA 4x splitter on one of the PSU cables, with all 4 ends connected to drives (even though some of those drives weren't connected via SATA data cables), and drives weren't getting recognized consistently at all. When I unplugged a couple of the drives from the 4x splitter, and only left the drives that actually had data cables as well, it seemed to work more consistently. At this point, with as many drives (apparently) FUBAR as I have, I think the best way forward would be to try as much as possible to "undo" the data MOVE I stupidly did from the 6Tb to the various 3Tbs using unBalance. The 6Tb drive has largely sat unused since that move, so it should be possible to undelete much of my data from there. What's the best way to go about doing this? cube-diagnostics-20211030-1115.zip
  6. Disk _5_ dropped offline? Don't you mean Disk 4?
  7. I'd love to use unBalance, but it doesn't recognize that either of the drives that have issues have content. Currently, I'd love to get any emulated data off both disk 4 and 5 (probably moving it all to disk 1): Is there a bash command to run, or can binhex-krusader help or...? I'm on Windows. cube-diagnostics-20211025-1701.zip
  8. Ok, so if I have a drive that's no longer being recognized and its contents are being emulated, what's the best way to copy or move those contents to some other drive, so that they no longer need to be emulated?
  9. Well, I suspect disk 5 has fully bit the bullet. I hear those telltale electronic clicks coming from its drive bay, and now unRAID reports it as unmountable, despite it being attached directly to the MB. cube-diagnostics-20211019-2140.zip
  10. I had rebooted the system to see if that brought the data back, but now none of those three drives were detected. -.- Gonna see if they come back after plugging into the onboad SATA.
  11. Is there any indication if this is possibly a problem with the SATA card (again)?
  12. I've replaced cables, and now all drives seem to be getting recognized consistently. So I started the array and it began a parity rebuild, which finished "successfully". During that process, two drives reported nearly-identical numbers of read errors: WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0_WD-WMC4N1244814 - 3 TB (sdf) with 732,487,239 errors (disk 3), and ST3000VN007-2E4166_Z730JMM1 - 3 TB (sdg) with 732,562,482 errors (disk 4). Additionally, I do appear to have lost all the data on disks 3, 4, and 5, despite them still showing as partly/mostly full. Finally, when I try to browse the filesystems of 3, 4, or 5, it just says "No listing: Too many files". What's going on? Fresh diags attached. cube-diagnostics-20211019-1139.zip
  13. Ahh, great, thanks. So I clicked to add that disk to the array as disk5, but the page seemed to refresh and now the disk has disappeared (see attachment—I swear it was there a moment ago!). Fresh diagnostics posted. cube-diagnostics-20211018-2029.zip
  14. Ok, so I have the SATA card, and it seems to at the very least allow unRAID to recognize drives plugged into it. The other card did that as well, so I'm not sure what that's worth. In any case, I have a crucial question: I have TWO disks that were excluded from the array when I had to stop using the previous SATA card, and I'm not sure which one was "disk5". The only way I have to reliably identify them is by their manufacturer ID (eg. WD30EZRX-00DC0B0). Can you tell me which was disk5? If it helps, I'm attaching an earlier diagnostic from Sep 26th; I think I might have had all the disks attached at that point. Alternately, if there's no way to tell what the manufacturer ID was for disk5, is there a way to browse the files on the disk without having to add it to the array? I'm pretty sure disk5 had lots of data, and disk6(?) was empty. cube-diagnostics-20210926-2115.zip
  15. When you say "new config", do you mean to effectively recreate the current array config, with the addition of Disk 5? Or create a new, separate, second array (is that possible?) with Disk 5 as the only assigned device?
  16. Ok, so when I get the SATA card and can connect everything back up, what should I do and not do? How do I recover as much data as possible?
  17. Ok, thanks for taking the time to analyze things. What would happen if I replaced disk 4 with disk 5? The parity would then be emulating disk 4, and 5 would hopefully be available regularly, right?
  18. I don't have any free SATA ports at the moment. Should I wait until the SATA card arrives, or is it okay to, say, plug in Disk 5 instead of the cache drive temporarily?
  19. I've been in a long process of moving my data storage from Drobo to unRAID (you can see most of the saga in my other topics; there aren't many). Until recently, I had the following: 8Tb WDC_WD80EFAX-68KNBN0 (parity) 6Tb WDC_WD60EFAX-68JH4N0 (data; I planned to also have this be parity when all was finished) 2Tb WD2003FZEX (data) The 6Tb and the 2Tb had all my data, and parity was valid. At that point, I also had 3x 3Tb WD drives and 1x 3Tb Seagate drive still operational in the Drobo, with all the data on them as well (that's where it all came from). Things were working well, but I wanted dual parity drives, and I wanted to make use of all my 3Tb drives from the Drobo. However, I only had 6 SATA ports on my motherboard, so I bought what I thought was a good SATA expansion card, with 8 ports. I plugged all my Drobo drives into that card, and began the preclear process on them. When preclear was done, I added them to the array, but one drive consistently seemed to get kicked out of the array... I would add it, but it would appear in Unassigned Devices when I started the array. Figuring this issue was due to drive failure rather than some sort of issue with the SATA expansion card, I didn't think much of it. All seemed well with the remining 3, however, so I used unBalance to scatter (in move mode, argh!) my data from the 6Tb drive to all the other ones. That seemed to work well, but then more problems began to appear. One drive (disk 5 in the array) seemed to intermittently error out. The data that had been moved to it was still available due to the parity drive most of the time, but at one point I noticed that a lot of files and folders were missing from the array, and they were all items that had been on that drive. Not sure why parity wasn't "picking up the slack" in that case. At this point was when I posted the earlier diagnostics (in this thread), and was told that the "drives attached to [my SATA card] are continually resetting, probably severely impacting performance." So that's when I shut everything down, and connected as many drives as I could directly to the motherboard. I had also added a 1Tb SSD as a cache drive at an earlier point, so I then had what you see in the attached diagnostics: 8Tb WDC_WD80EFAX-68KNBN0 (parity) 6Tb WDC_WD60EFAX-68JH4N0 (data, but largely empty) 2Tb WD2003FZEX (data) 3Tb WDC_WD30EZRX-00D8PB0 (data) 3Tb ST3000VN007 (data, but see below) 1Tb Samsung SSD 860 EVO (cache) One thing to note is that the drive that was intermittently erroring out (Disk 5) is physically disconnected for now as I ran out of ports. Now, another drive, the Seagate, has begun to report hundreds of thousands of read errors (currently 261,818), but without getting kicked from the array. The data on there is family photos going back about 2 decades, but it's also all backed up on Google Photos, so it's (ironically for family photos) not unrecoverable. I'm currently waiting for another SATA card to arrive, hopefully this week. Then I'll be able to plug back in Disk 5, and hopefully it will be intact and working properly with a proper SATA card. My questions for all you wizards out there are: Am I doing things "right", or is there anything else I should be doing now? Exactly what should I do once the replacement SATA card arrives? Is there a way to check if it's well-behaved before plugging drives into it? Is there any way to "rebuild" the data that is on the missing Disk 5 from parity, so that it's "actually" stored on one of the other disks that isn't missing? Thanks for any help! cube-diagnostics-20211010-0843.zip
  20. China. That said, given the very reasonable price, I'm willing to risk it. Thanks!! I'll try to report back when I test it out.
  21. Well, I can easily ensure that it only ever has HDDs connected to it, and since those max out at what, 150MBps under ideal conditions? 150*6 = 900MBps, so an ~850MBps limit probably wouldn't ever be reached or noticed... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That said, that AliExpress card looks fine by me; how confident can we be that it's actually what it says it is? My MB is a GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5, with no PCIe slots occupied other than the 1x slot currently taken by the apparently-crap SATA card I already bought lol.
  22. אמזון שולחים הרבה מוצרים לארץ בחינם אם זה מעל $65. בנוסף, לא צריך לשלם מס ייבוא על חבילות שערכם (כולל עלות המשלוח) מתחת ל- $75. בהצלחה אחי!
  23. Ok, so let me see if I have this straight. The chipsets listed have proven to work well with unRAID, but they still can be "abused" or "taken advantage of" by use of a port multiplier (Q1: would the port multiplier adversely affect ALL ports on such a card, or just the "extra" ones? Q2: If the latter, is there a way to tell which ports are which?). So I should look for a card where the number of SATA ports matches the number of connections natively supported by the chipset (Q3: What's this stuff about physical vs electrical?). Since I ideally want a 6+ port card, would this be a wise purchase? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08L78QHSJ
  24. Ok, so how do I tell the difference between a "port multiplier" and whatever it is that should actually work well with unRAID? $70 later and I didn't even know there was a difference. EDIT: My MB has 6 SATA ports, but my case (Fractal Design's Node 804) has room for 12 SATA drives, so I'd ideally want a card that has at least 6 SATA ports. Where I live though, Amazon offers free shipping on orders over $65, but my country applies import tax on items over $75 (incl. shipping), so.... 🤷‍♂️
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