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Posts posted by yahsh

  1. On 10/19/2016 at 11:12 AM, ken-ji said:

    A slightly better way to maintain the keys across reboots is to

    * copy the authorized_keys file to /boot/config/ssh/root.pubkeys

    * copy /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /boot/config/ssh

    * modify /boot/config/sshd_config to set the following line

    AuthorizedKeysFile      /etc/ssh/%u.pubkeys


    This will allow you to keep the keys on the flash always and let the ssh startup scripts do all the copying.

    Hi @ken-ji what does the %u do? Could you enlighten me? Thanks.

  2. @srfnmnk or anyone with information,

    Could you share how to "switched from letsEncrypt to using my own certs, signed by my own CA"? I am also interested to do this since my domain name registra is also a CA but don't know where to start to find the information. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Does a reboot fix?

    Tried that. Unfortunately, didn't work. I get the error: "Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server/transcode': mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server: no medium found." whenever I set the appdata to cache-only.

  4. 2 hours ago, itimpi said:

    This is expected behaviour.    A User Share will give a consolidated view of all top level folders  (appdata in this case) on each drive in the array and any pools to give a unified view of the share across all drives.   When you delete the folder from disk3 then if there is no ‘appdata’ folder yet created on cache the share will disappear.


    A point you may have missed is that when you change the Use Cache setting to ‘Only’ that applies to new files - not existing ones.    The mover application takes no action on shares that have Use Cache set to ‘Only’ so any files/folders already existing on the array are left there.    If you want mover to transfer files/folders for a share from the array to cache then you need the Use Cache=Prefer setting.    This is explained in the help built into the GUI if you activate that.

    Apologies, I still don't get it. After I set appdata to cache-only, I tried to install plexmediaserver. However, I run into the below error.


    It seems that I cannot create any new folder in /mnt/user/appdata if I set it to cache-only. I can only create a new folder in /mnt/user/appdata if I set the share to cache-prefer. But if I set it to cache-prefer, the application data will end up on /mnt/disk3/appdata instead of on /mnt/cache/appdata. It is quite confusing.

  5. 8 minutes ago, yahsh said:

    The system would still retain an appdata folder in the disk3. If I delete the appdata folder in disk3, the share would also disappear. Is this the expected behavior? If yes, could you enlightened me why that is so? Thanks.


    The other issue is that if I only set the appdata to cache only, I can't start the docker containers properly. E.g plex. The system complains that /mnt/user/appdata: no media found. I had actually upgraded this unraid from a rather old version. Is it worth backing up the .key file in the /boot/config/, reinstall the unraid OS on the same thumbdrive, restore the .key file and redo create all the shares again? 

  6. 8 hours ago, itimpi said:

    what happens when you try and change the Use Cache setting for that share to ‘only’ instead of ‘no’.

    The system would still retain an appdata folder in the disk3. If I delete the appdata folder in disk3, the share would also disappear. Is this the expected behavior? If yes, could you enlightened me why that is so? Thanks.


  7. I had recently change my file system from reiserfs to xfs using a swap disk. After doing that, I found that I am not able to create new shares. When attempting to create a new share, the service seems to hang and require to stop and restart the array before it works again. 


    I also noticed that when I add the new share, in the include or exclude drive, I can't find my Disk 3 in there. 


    Even though I clearly have Disk 3 in the array. 



    Attached is my diagnostics log. Hope someone can point me in a direction to solve this. Thanks.


  8. 4 hours ago, mgutt said:

    Did you add your Plex claim id to the container settings?

    https://github.com/plexinc/pms-docker#:~:text=You can obtain a claim,that it can be found.

    Initially, I tried to add the claim token as advised. Unfortunately, after adding the token, I could not even access the plex server through ip:32400. 
    Then I decided to shutdown the server completely, restart and try again. This time, it worked like a charm with the token! I managed to claim the server! Thanks @mgutt! You saved the day!

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