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Posts posted by MSOBadger

  1. Same thing happened to me.  Theme Engine plugin stopped working yesterday and I couldn't get anything to re-apply.  Ended up removing and reinstalling the plugin after reading the above posts and that finally resolved it for me as well.   (Thankfully I was just using a theme.park theme so re-configuring it after the reinstall was a two second thing.)

  2. A quick bit of info on my basic setup - I have one nvme pool set up to house all of my appdata and system files, a separate nvme pool for my VMs, and a third single drive setup for my generic write cache.  Fix Common Problems detected that some of my appdata files were not being stored on the "nvme_docker" pool that I have setup for appdata, but rather on my separate generic cache drive (which used to be my sole cache drive/pool).


    In moving things around in an attempt to correct this, I think I somehow accidentally deleted the mnt/user/ directory.   My Shares tab is now completely empty.  I can still see all of the files when I browse to the "nvme_docker" pool in the Main tab, but the shares are gone.   


    Is there any way to easily restore this?  I have a backup of my USB from this morning (from just prior to updating to 6.12.2), is restoring to that USB backup the way to go here?

  3. I was updating one of my docker containers this morning and received an error in the middle of the update process.  Unfortunately, I didn't record what that error said - I believe it was a connection refused error of some sort.   Since closing the update window, I've been receiving an error that the "Docker Service failed to start" and all of my containers are down.


    At the bottom of the Dockers tab page, there are several error messages:


    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (Connection refused) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 682
    Couldn't create socket: [111] Connection refused
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 866
    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (Connection refused) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 682
    Couldn't create socket: [111] Connection refused
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 932


    I tried stopping and restarting the Docker service, but that hasn't resolved things.  (When I change the "Enable Docker" setting to "No" and save the change, the "Status" flag in the top right corner never changes from "Running", so I'm not sure that it's ever actually trying to fully restart.  The Docker tab does go away though, so maybe it is.)


    Perhaps something in the update process for the container I was updating corrupted my Docker file?


    I've attached my diagnostics logs.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  4. 9 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Using a root share will bypass the user shares and make Unraid ignore share settings.


    Ahh... Ok, that explains it then.  I always use the rootshare when transferring files from my "downloads" share into their destination shares as it ensures all of the traffic remains local rather than going across the network from the origin server share to my device and then back to the server destination share.    Thank you!


    Is there a better way of doing this that will keep the traffic local but respect the share settings?   I'm pretty green on Linux so I generally access everything via SMB via my Windows devices.

  5. 12 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Share settings look correct, is the data to tv share being transferred over the LAN directly to the share or locally from another share?


    The data is generally coming from the "downloads" share - manual cut/paste via a remote rootshare accessed from my laptop.  I am also seeing this issue with the "movies", "wrestling" and "videos" shares (there might have been others but those are the ones I recall for sure).


  6. I'm running Unraid 6.9.2 and have been having an issue with the "Include Disk(s)" setting seemingly not properly restricting the disks that files in my shares are saving to.   I have each one of my shares set to use specific disks to limit which disks get spun up for certain tasks.   I've noticed however that files from these shares are ending up on disks not specified in each share's respective "Include Disk(s)" setting.  


    For example, I have my "tv" share (which contains all of my TV episode media files) set to include disks 13 and 14.  However I just found "tv" share folders with files (files relatively recently added) on disks 8, 9, and 10.   So I'm using unBalance to move them all over to 13 and 14.  I've found similar issues with numerous other shares.  (It's not a space issue, as the specified disk groups for each share do have free space on them.)


    I should also note that I am not using the "Exclude Disk(s)" setting, just the Include.


    Has anyone else experienced this?   Is there something else I need to do, settings-wise, to make this restriction work?  

  7. First, a huge heartfelt thank you for this awesome utility.


    I'm trying to clean up my share data so that each share is no longer scattered across numerous drives (so that "movies", for example, is limited to 3 drives and unraid only has to spin those drives up when movies are being accessed). 


    I'm running into a hurdle using the Gather function however; when I get to the screen to select the Target drives to gather the share data on to, only a few drives are showing up (and they don't happen to be the drives that I want to target).  I'm guessing I'm probably just missing something simple.   I've disabled all of my dockers and VMs so nothing should be accessing drives.  I've tried spinning up all the drives before hand as well.   


    I have been able to work around this by slowly piecemealing the transfer by using Scatter to move share data disk-by-disk, but that's obviously a much more manual process.


    Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance!

  8. 2 hours ago, ghost82 said:

    In unraid in the terminal what's the output of

    fdisk -l /path/to/image/vdisk2.img


    Here's the output - 



    Disk [PATH]/vdisk2.img: 240 GiB, 257698037760 bytes, 503316480 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: gpt
    Disk identifier: 5C3E4624-1E83-4A66-9DDD-E8FD56278AB0

    Device                                                                    Start                End           Sectors       Size        Type
    [PATH]/vdisk2.img1                                                       34            32767            32734        16M        Microsoft reserved
    [PATH]/vdisk2.img2                                                32768     503312383     503279616     240G        Microsoft basic da


  9. 44 minutes ago, ghost82 said:

    If it's the second, remember that you need to connect vnc to the ip of the host and not to that of the vm.


    This was my problem, lol.  I was pointing RealVNC to the VM's IP rather than the server host.   After pointing it to the server's IP I was able to remote in and run gparted and expand the primary Windows partition.  After that, I was able to boot into Windows again on the primary vdisk and the OS virtual disk now shows the full expanded size.   Thanks for the help there.


    It looks like I'm not out of the woods yet though.  With the partition resized, I went back and fired up the original instance of the VM (i.e. the one that has the second vdisk setup (i.e. my data disk for this VM), and I ended up right back in the instant-pause cycle.   After some messing around, I discovered that the VM boots just fine with just the primary vdisk, but as soon as the second is added it pauses on boot.   


    I made a copy of this vdisk2 file and tossed it on my Windows laptop and tried to mount the disk there and received a "the disk image file is corrupted" error.   I've never tried mounting a vdisk that Unraid created like this before... should that work if the vdisk is working properly (meaning this vdisk2 is actually corrupted)?   Or is it normal to be unable to mount a vdisk in Windows in this manner?


    Assuming that the vdisk is actually corrupted... is there any way to restore the data?

  10. 5 hours ago, ghost82 said:

    Create a new virtual machine with a gparted iso image and the windows vdisk, boot gparted and perform all the operations on the partition with gparted (increase the allocated space).

    Or add to your existing windows vm the gparted live iso cd rom, boot to it and perform operations on the windows vdisk.


    Thanks for the quick reply @ghost82!   I downloaded a gparted ISO and attempted both of your suggestions above.  (It took a while to backup the 200GB vdisk image first before I dove in on your suggestions.)


    I first tried setting up a new Win10 VM with the gparted ISO set as the OS Install ISO and the Windows vdisk from my original Win10 VM as the primary vdisk.   The VM started, but I've been unable to connect to it with VNC (I've tried both Unraid's built-in noVNC web client as well as a standalone RealVNC viewer on my PC.   I do see the VM's MAC address in my router log and it is pulling a valid IP address.


    I then tried editing my original Win10 VM so that it's OS Install ISO was set to gparted (leaving all other settings untouched) and I was unable to access that via VNC either (same results as the above attempt).


    Any thoughts?

  11. Hello folks-


    I am having an issue with my Windows 10 VM - it started continually pausing on me a few days ago.  After doing some researching here for others with a similar issue, it looks like the pausing happens when the drive is out of space.   That indeed looks like it was the cause of my original problem, as the 70GB vdisk containing my operating system was showing as fully allocated to 70GB. 


    So I followed a tutorial I found and started by shutting down the VM and then upping the capacity of the vdisk in Unraid's dashboard to 200GB, which should give me plenty of space.   This part seems to have gone without a hitch.


    I restarted the VM so that I could log into Windows and perform the second step of increasing the usable drive space within Windows itself.   However, here is where I'm running into an issue - I am unable to get to that step as after upping the 70GB capacity on the vdisk, and restarting the VM - the VM immediately flips into Paused status and I am unable to get into it.   I've tried quitting and restarting the Windows 10 VM numerous times, I've stopped and restarted the VM system, and I've also rebooted the Unraid server itself.  But still it auto-pauses immediately.  


    I also noticed that the "allocated" space on the vdisk is no longer showing as 70GB, but rather only 15GB.


    The vdisk is stored on an unassigned M.2 drive with plenty of unused space (it's a 512GB drive with only 90GB used).  The VM also has a second, larger, vdisk setup as an additional storage drive.  That is housed on a separate M.2 drive.  (I mentioning this for completeness, as I wouldn't imagine the second drive would have anything to do with this issue.)


    Did I nuke my VM here?   Or does anyone have an idea as to how I can get back into it?




  12. I managed to bork my Unraid OS flash drive seemingly beyond all recovery (I've tried inserting the drive in multiple PCs and they all report that it is an unrecognizable USB device).  Unfortunately, I'm a bonehead and don't have a backup of my flash drive, nor do I have a screengrab of my drive assignments. 


    First an overview of my setup - two parity drives, an M.2 cache drive, plus several M.2 and SSD unassigned device drives (which primarily just housed VMs).  I know that the parity drives are two of my four 14TB drives, but am not sure which two.  When my USB drive died, I was in the process of upgrading my cache drive - so I had just moved all of my cache files from the old cache drive to the array (with the intent of flipping cache directories back to "Prefer" after powering back up with the new cache drive selected).  I powered down the server and installed my new cache drive and discovered the dead flash drive on attempting to power back up and getting the USB error.


    I've read the "Starting Over" article on the wiki as well as multiple forum threads here with folks in a similar "dead USB, no assignment map" situation and the guidance has been to create a fresh new USB OS drive, boot things up, and then assign all of the disks to the array in any assignment order and then whichever disk doesn't mount is parity drive.  (Obviously I'd just assign all of the non-SSD/m.2 drives as those were all non-array disks.)   However, most of those threads were single parity drive setups and I've seen folks mention that this method only works with a single parity drive and that a multiple-parity setup is more complex and assignment order matters.


    Obviously, I don't want to lose the data on my array.   So, my question is - can I simply assign all disks (again, in any order and excluding the M.2s & SSDs) to the array, start the array, and then re-assign the two that don't mount as my parity drives (assuming just two are flagged as unable to mount)?   Or is there something more I need to do in this case?


    Thanks for any guidance in advance!

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