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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Try running speedtest-xml from the command line
  2. Is your Default network bridge not set to bro.1? That is what the variable $BRNAME is.
  3. Where are you reading the 59% from during power test? Maybe check the nut details page and show what it says after the power has been off a few minutes. It could be a problem with the nut driver and what the the ups is reporting. It might not be reporting the battery level right. I always just use a fixed time of 5 or 10 minutes.
  4. I decided to use a python virtual environment and load everything into one package. Created multiple packages based on unraid version/libvirt version. I also add a Virtual BMC service to the VM settings page. I'll add more Virtual BMC settings to the WebGUI when I have time. E.g. vm's and port settings. Also I wondering if you knew where Virtual BMC stored the vm/ports settings, so they can be restored on boot. Edit: Nm I figured out where the settings are stored. They are in the user home directory. So /root/.vbmc
  5. Along with setuptools and subprocess32 it needs pbr, six, enum34, pycparser, cffi, asn1crypto, idna, ipaddress, cryptography, pyghmi, PyYAML, pyperclip, contextlib2, pyparsing, wcwidth, cmd2, stevedore, PrettyTable, unicodecsv, cliff, pyzmq. As a rule none of my plugins need to download anything on server boot. There have been too many problems in the past with servers hanging or not working due to connectivity issues at boot. I would just prefer everything be there on the flash drive already. I could install subprocess32 and setuptools and package everything else into one package (which I don't necessarily like) or just create 21 different ones.
  6. I have similar hardware (usg pro and usw 24). The only thing I can think of is if you have some traffic blocked or if enabled, an ISP rule that blocks magic packets. Also you need to be on the same subnet as the unraid server. The script works by listening to all packets on udp port 7, udp port 9 or ether proto 0x0842 and matching mac in the magic packet to mac for virtual machine.
  7. Maybe describe your network environment and equipment a bit. Something may be blocking the wol packets also what motherboard and network card. You may need to enable wol in your bios.
  8. I worked on this a bit. It'll take a bit more time to figure out which other packages will be needed to just run it. Most likely it will require all the packages from the requirements.txt but some of those also require other packages too. On my dev system pip installed 20+ packages but all those may not be needed to run it.
  9. It's client side browser. The server has won't affect it. Different browsers or different computers will have different settings saved.
  10. A) has always been part of this. It defaults to auto sort by date latest first. With tablesorter your settings will be saved per browser. So if you change the sort of sort filter it will be saved. Also the tabs have a 3 position toggle which can be seen by the down/up/off carrot when you click on the table header. B) That's a good idea. I'll look into it
  11. Also the bmc reset button will cold boot the bmc
  12. You need to set the lower thresholds for the fans with the sensor editor. The bmc will keep kicking them up to full speed. Set them to 200 or 300 rpms
  13. I updated the plugin to support your boards fan names. Give it a try and let me know. edit: The fan control settings page displays CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN but the fan control log will still show FAN1234 for CPU_FAN and FANA for SYS_FAN.
  14. Ok thanks. I didn't see the port option on the github page. So I did know how it would control different vm's.
  15. I've been meaning to add something like that. I'll look into the warning issue.
  16. I'll see about creating a slackware package and adding it to the plugin Explain to me a little more how it works
  17. Look through the past few posts about vm bridge name. I also have a wakeonlan plugin you could try
  18. Yeah sorry, I should have quoted those in code. Since everything is tied to FANA or not FANA I'll see if I can add a check for SYS_FAN* also
  19. This is what most X10/X11 boards look like root@Server:~# ipmisensors -t fan ID | Name | Type | Reading | Units | Event 607 | FAN1 | Fan | 1200.00 | RPM | 'OK' 674 | FAN2 | Fan | 700.00 | RPM | 'OK' 808 | FAN4 | Fan | 1100.00 | RPM | 'OK' 875 | FANA | Fan | 500.00 | RPM | 'OK' Looking at the manual your board is a bit different since only the F model has IPMI. May be the reason the IPMI names don't conform to other X11 boards fan names. Also we need to be sure what commands your board actually supports. For mine there 2 zones as @planetix said. Zone 0 is for system/cpu and includes FAN1-4. Zone 1 is for peripherals and includes only FANA. Here's the commands ############################################# # Supermicro X10/X11 # ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 64 # ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 AA BB CC # # AA # 00 - Get value # 01 - Set value # # BB # 00 - FAN 1/2/3/4 # 01 - FAN A # # CC # 00 to 64 - Set Speed (0-64) ############################################# So you'll need to run ipmi-raw 00 30 45 01 01 # set fans to full then wait a few seconds then run ipmisensors -t fan # get a basline of the fans on full ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 32 # set zone 0 to half wait a few seconds ipmisensors -t fan # see what fans are at half speed then ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 64 # set zone 0 back to full ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 01 32 # set zone 1 to half then run wait a few seconds ipmisensors -t fan # see what fans are at half speed ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 01 64 # set zone 1 back to full ipmi-raw 00 30 45 01 02 # set fans back to optimal or you can change them back from the supermicro ipmi page Let me know what you find out
  20. Either run ipmisensors -t fan from the command line or post a screenshot from the readings page of the fan header names. Also check the Settings page that you haven't globally disabled any fans. Also make sure your on the latest bios and bmc as sometimes there are changes to the sensor names. Edit: also if you were using this plugin previous to your upgrade, you might want to remove the plugin and delete the ipmi plugin directory on the flash drive. Then reinstall. Or atleast resave all settings.
  21. I just forward port 8920 to my let's encrypt docker and added this to the nginx default site ### Emby Server Configuration server { listen 8920 ssl http2; server_name dynamic_server.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ssl_ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+3DES:!ADH:!AECDH:!MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_timeout 5m; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always; server_tokens off; proxy_ssl_verify off; proxy_ssl_session_reuse on; proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; proxy_cache off; proxy_store off; location / { proxy_pass https://emby_ip_address:8920; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; # proxy_set_header Host $host; # proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_intercept_errors on; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; } } ### End Emby Server Configuration I added the path /mnt/cache/appdata/letsencrypt/keys/letsencrypt/ to /keys in the Emby docker and under Advanced settings/custom ssl certificate I added /keys/privkey.pfx. I also added the Emby logs path to the letsencrypt docker, then added a filter to fail2ban for Emby
  22. You have to turn off Event Notifications and Fan Control. What was the problem with the newer BMC?
  23. Have you tried the latest subversion from slackware current? If you can lay it out which packages I need to get it working for you I'll update them to those.
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